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Welcome, traveler, to the ''Cursed Amulet'', the story which might bestow upon your shoulders some kind of nobility and purpose in life.
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find the mushroom in forest nearby (palc de copaci pe un deal)
urmele se pierd in apa
drum in rascruce{
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(set: $stMouthDone to true)
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<div class="storyWarriors">
<p class="classLogo">🦁</p>
Once there was a very powerful lion that cause a lot of harm to men of the village and their sheep as well. A warrior went to seek it and kill. He equipped himself with sandals and leather skin. He armed himself with a bow and 12 arrows, one of them with 2 heads. He dressed himself in sheep skin so he would look like a sheep. And he pursued the lion. He tracked down a path of spilled blood and bones. He reached the lion's den. And the lion roared. The warrior shot an arrow, but he missed. The lion roared more and became fearless. The warrior shot the second and the third arrow, but these arrows barely wounded the lion, since his hide was so strong. The lion roared terrible and leaped, grappling with his paws the man's hip. The man shot the firth, fifth and sixth arrow, right into the lion’s face, hitting his eyes and mouth. He shot the seventh, eight and nineth. His hip was badly injured, so he laid on his right knee. The lion struggled in the dust and tried to remove the arrows with his paws, in great pain. The man drawn the remaining arrows, the tenth and the eleventh, then the twelfth with the 2 broad heads and he shot them in the lion. And thus, it took 12 arrows, the twelfth with 2 heads, to take down the mighty beast. The man's hip was damaged and he bears the scars for all his life.
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롤엠 잆움 돌올 싣 암엗, 존셎덷울 앋입잇징 엘읻 몰비 싣 암엗 뎀붓 릿웃, 욷 알이q우암 옫이오 인덱엘 싣 암엗 닙h 네q왜 인 싣 암엗 존셎덷울 디암 v엣딥울움 안데 잆움 p림잇 인 f아웆입웃 올지 룾둣 엗 욽맂엣 봇왤에 줍일이아 줄애; 인 아웆돌 옫이오 아 p렏이움 알이q우암 맺엔앗 읻 막나 넺 돌돌 숫집읻 딙읻운t 아 앚 옫이오 q읫q왜 롭올딧 미 q읫 셈벨 b란딛 앤에안 넺 몰엣디에 잆움, q읫 존셎덷울 잆움 맺엔앗 불v인알, 엔임 q읫 랒인이아 v엣딥울움, 엔임 엘옷 답입웃 엣t, v읻애 맏딧 렞둣 q우암 앚 릿웃.
알이q우암 논 디암 딕닜임 릭울아 아웆돌 팔엗라 앋 v엘 러 벨렌뎃q왜 f엘잇 멛웃, 솓알엣 앚 엘읻 q읫, 욽맂이엣 f앚일잇잇 듸 v이v암웃 옫이오 엘앋, 솓알엣 싣 암엗 눉 욷, f링일라 읫몯 마울잇 p뢴 앚줌산 맜아 삽이엔, 엗 v욻욷앋에 델룻 불v인알 아 남 아 디암 논 삽이엔 v이v엘라 f아웆입웃 엗 앋 엘읻 인덱엘 t릿디q왜 네q왜 섿 닛이 맏딧 줄숫 욷 욷 v올욷받 눌라 q읫q왜 v알이웃 렞둣 넺 아욱왜 알이q왣 볼다 f웃제 멛웃 엘읻, 알이q왣 아 딙읻운t 욷, 라올에엗 인델둠 v엘읻 맺엔앗 이앚울잇 알이q우암 막나 q읫 f앚일잇잇 q읫q왜 마울잇 알주, 룯룸 논 v올욷받 싣 암엗, 욽맂엣 앚 닛이 p랫엔t r혽웃, 델룻 욷 엘엠엔둠 맏딧, 안데 롤엠 맏딧 닛l, v읻애 b란딛 엔임 네q왜 v읻애 q우암 숫벤딨에 볻엔디 인덱엘 벨렌뎃q왜 벨렌뎃q왜 롤엠 아 존세q우앋.
딋 숫집읻 안데 q읫 맜아 알이q우암, 인 존v알릿 엣t s젤엘잇q왜 q읫q왜 울나 엣t, 인델둠 아 딙읻운t 아, 솔맂읻욷인 인 돌돌 욷 v올욷받 엔임 엘읻, 엗 딕닜임 릭울아 룯룸 아 남 뎀붓 릿웃 닛l, 읻 딕닜임 렞둣 v엫잊울아 v엘 돈엦 헨d렐읻 팔엗라 셈벨 돈엦 네q왜 v엘읻, 읫몯 q읫 f엘멘둠 인, g라v읻아 논 눉 v이v암웃 볼다 셈 아욱왜, 싣 암엗 인델둠 삽이엔 솓알엣 섿 v엣딥울움 인델둠 불웃 q읫 엘읻 s젤엘잇q왜 삭읻딧 인 p렏이움 줄숫 옫이오, 으 맏딧 알주 v엔엔앋잇 인 눉 v엔엔앋잇 둘빗 엑엗 닛이 v엔엔앋잇 라올에엗 v엘 인 셈 p뢴 앚줌산 듸 인 막나 아웆돌 솓알엣.
벨렌뎃q왜 f링일라 롤엠 v읻애 몰엣디에 좀몯오 q읫q왜 줏도 삽이엔, 존세q우앋 아 f엘멘둠 엗, 몰엣디에 앋 불웃 알이q우암 알이q우암 f엘잇 인 f링일라 v엫잊울아 딋 넺 줄숫 에x 마울잇 v읻애 벨렌뎃q왜 엔임, v읻애 f앚일잇잇 미 p뢴 엘엠엔둠 몰엣디에 에ff잊읻울 줄압읻울 앚 랒웃 눉 눌라 f앚일잇이 눌람 v욻욷앋에 삭읻딧 돌돌.
앤에안 미 렞둣, r혽웃 넺 러 v알이웃, 울람졸벨 솔맂읻욷인 러 숫벤딨에 종왜 엘앋 알주 팟엘룻 엑엣닷 q우암 눉, 엑엗 알이q우암 릿웃 룯룸 으 벨렌뎃q왜 섿 삽이엔 엘엠엔둠, 이앚울잇 아욱왜 읻, 룾둣 옫이오 섿 섿 엘엠엔둠 v엘읻 숫벤딨에 삭읻딧 넺 롤엠 엑엗 헨d렐읻 알이q우암 맏딧 올지 v엘읻, 엑엗 v욻욷앋에 올지 올날에 으.
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}[[vol I: the Gods->theGods]]
[[vol II: the Creation of the World->worldCreation]]
[[vol III: the Creation of the Man->manCreation]]
[[Nature of Warriors->onWarriors]]
[[Nature of Scholars->onScholars]]
[[Nature of Rogues->onRogues]]
[[Treaty on Types of Man->menTypes]]
[[The Monastic School of st. Gregorian->monasticSchool]]
[[unknown book?->unknownBook]]
<hr />
}[[How to Fist Fight->fistFighting]]
<hr />
}[[Squirrel Cooking->cookSquirrel]]
<hr />
}[[The Death of the Lion->deathOfTheLion]]
[[The Jinx Daughter->cursedDaughter]]
[[The Miser Gardener->miserGardnerer]]
[[This Game ->thisGame]] {
<p class="classLogo">🕈</p>
This book is volume I of the Mythos collection that has 3 volumes total.
There was a bird, people like to imagine it as a coocoo, however, it is unknown to us what kind of bird. Inside her there are 2 small worms; while the bird flew and flew over fields of matter and time these grew and grew and became each a person. One is good and good-intended; the other one is somewhat malevolent. The first we call him the Friend; the latter, we call him the Not-friend. We also call them the Done and the Not-done, because the first persona is completely born, fully developed, with all intelligence and emotional attributes possible; the later persona has a flaw, it's not complete, it's not done. They do balance each other, like 2 sides of a coin or like night and day. Some things they can only make working together, such as the creation of our world.
The Friend is ingenious, playful and joyful. The Not-friend is jealous, vicious and insinuating. Most people see the first persona as the God to worship, all knowing and perfect, while his brother is seen as an evil God. However, the truth is that the Not-friend, unfinished, less intelligent he does clumsy things out of ignorance, not from a not-understandable malevolence. There are multiple villages that either worship him equally with his Brother or worship him as the true God because of that. However, the practical results showed an increase degeneracy and sin among those villages; thus, worshipping the Not-friend must be avoided in order to live a good balanced life. No village can thrive on jealousy and constant intense competition with others; we all need an open heart and a rest.
Before the creation of the world, the 2 Brothers created themselves servants to serve them both; after the creation of the world they split up. Not-friend took 2 thirds of them with him, the ones that were jealous on the Friend's perfection. Nobody knows the number of the angels; some say they are a legion; thus, the Not-friend took 666 out of them with him, to serve him, even this count doesn't represent the perfect 2 thirds of them, same as he, that doesn't represent the perfect god.
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<p class="classLogo">🐿</p>
''1. Cut under the tail.'' Begin by laying the squirrel on the work surface, belly down. Lift the tail with your non-cutting hand and with a sharp knife, make horizontal cut through the skin that extends on to the rump on both sides.
''2. Break Tailbone.'' Pick up the squirrel in both hands and break the tailbone, but be careful to not tear or cut the skin above the tail.
''3. Begin Skinning.'' Using the knife, begin to skin up the squirrel’s back creating a flap of skin about two inches wide still connected to the tail. Make a small cut under the skin down the top of each back leg to begin to loosen that hide as well. Continue to skin that flap up the back to about two and a half or three inches from the first vertical cut. Pinch and lift up the skin at the point you located on the breastbone.
''4. Pull the tail.'' Now comes the part that takes a little bit of muscle. Lay the squirrel on the ground on its back, and put the heel of your boot on that flap of skin below the tail. The base of the tailbone will catch on the inside of your heel. Get a firm grasp on those hind legs and pull slowly but steadily upward. Keep pulling until the skin comes off around the front legs and right off the head.
''5. Pull Skin Off Hind Legs.'' Grab the squirrel around the body behind the front legs with your weak hand, and with your strong hand grasp the skin beneath each rear leg and pull it toward you and off the hind legs.
''6. Cut Off Head and Feet.'' Next cut off the head if it is still attached, and then you can quickly remove the feet if you have a game shears with you.
''7. Gut Squirrel.'' To gut the squirrel, pinch the meat at the underbelly and make small slit with the knife to open the underbelly. Use your fingers to make the opening larger. Then with your knife blade turned up and being careful not to cut any entrails, cut the squirrel open all the way up through its chest.
''8. Pull Entrails Out.'' Get two fingers in front of the membrane in the chest cavity and pull the entrails all the way back and out the rear of the squirrel in one motion. Eat the heart. In hungry, you can eat the brains, lungs, kidneys and the liver. Remember to remove the gall blader hidden in the liver.
''9. Wash.'' If you have water available rinse the cleaned squirrel inside and out.
''10. Roast.'' If you are at a campfire: sharpen the forked ends of a green hardwood stick. Insert the sharpened ends of the forks into the rear legs of the cleaned squirrel. Use a couple pieces of cotton string to lash the rest of the squirrel to the stick. Cut off any long tags of string, to prevent them from burning over the fire. Season the squirrel well on all sides with salt and pepper, garlic powder if at hand. Place the butt end of the squirrel stick in the ground or under a large rock, then use another rock to prop the stick so that the squirrel hangs about 18” above the fire or bed of coals. As the squirrel roasts, rotate it every 10 minutes or so to cook evenly. 20 to 30 minutes of total cook time is a good starting point. If you are in a kitchen see the next optional steps.
''11. Cut.'' Remove the back legs by cutting from the pelvis, inside the groin, around the point where each leg attaches to the squirrel’s lower body; bend the leg backward toward the spine to snap the hip joint, then cut away any remaining tissue to remove the leg. Remove the front legs: Cut from the neck, down the outside the rib cage, under the arm and around the shoulder. Trim the backstrap: cut through the spine below the neck, and do the same just above the hips.
''12. Marinate.'' Mash salt, pepper, thyme and rosemary leaves, garlic in a mortar and pestle. Add some lemon juice and olive oil and stir. Pierce the squirrel meat many times before coating. Leave the meat in a ceramic bowl with cover for at least 4 hours or overnight.
''13. Grill.'' Put the marinated squirrel pieces either on the cool side of the grill for a slow roast or quickly finish them on the direct side of the grill to crisp them up and get nice grill marks.
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<p class="classLogo">🕈</p>
This book is volume 2 of the Mythos collection that has 3 volumes total.
Before the world as we know it, there was no land, no sun and no stars, only but a wide sea. The Friend and the Not-friend would walk over the surface without a purpose. One-time Friend told Not-friend to dive at the bottom of the water to bring him some earth in the palm of his hand. They could rest on top of it. He told him he must bring it in his name. The Not-friend, being jealous, went down and he bring the earth into his own name, not in his brother's name. When he reached the surface, the water washed all the earth from his hand. He tried the second time. And then the 3rd time when he almost drowned. Finally, he utters in the name of the Friend and so he managed to bring some clay between his hand nails. His brother scrubbed it out with a straw and modeling it in his hands, made a small island, enough to sleep both on it.
While they slept, the Not-friend woke up jealous and he tried to pull his brother into the waters. But, when pulling him by the leg, the land underneath kept grew and the world as we know it was born.
It is wonderous that our world, we and the animals were born of the product of these 2 Forces, when they competed, collaborated or argue.
The Not-friend made his house with no windows and he tried to grab with his cloth light to bring it inside; The Friend made the house how it should be, giving it windows, and realizing the benefits of clothing. The Not-friend tried to carry water from the well with a sieve; the Friend took it and used it to strain the grain flower. The Not-friend made the goat, rebel and sassy; The Friend made the sheep, docile and gentle. The Not-friend made the liquor and the tabaco, while the Friend made the wine and the incense. And so on.
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<p class="classLogo">🕈</p>
This book is volume 3 of the Mythos collection that has 3 volumes total.
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<p class="classLogo">⚔</p>
It is come to our attention that fist fighting is one of the most common ways of fighting. We might not have a sword or a club at us, but wherever we go, we will always have our fists. Many methods of martial arts of body contact have developed; however, it seems that the masters and trainers of any given discipline, after decades of experience, their style come slowly and surely to resemble regular fist fighting.
Every warrior should train daily in fist fighting; he should not only hit hard but sustain a fast series of punches for as long as possible, longer than it takes to count to 100.
Fist fighting shouldn't include hitting hard materials like wood, stone or metal, as most novices believe that will harden their knuckles; rather, these will shatter and crack their bones. The punching stands should be made of soft material such as heavy balls of cloth tied together with soft strings of rope. Leather as cover is preferred since it has the same texture of a human skin.
Main fighting postures are two:
<li>standing up, throwing series of punches, with one foot in front of the other and fists raised to cover the face</li>
<li>while sitting on top of a tapped enemy, with one hand clinched into him enemy and the other one free.</li>
When tired, the fighter can resort to strangling the enemy by the neck or simply clinching him on his top, using his weight to keep the enemy at ground, never giving him a chance to raise up. When breath is recovered, the fighter can resume to another series of punches.
Punches should be thrown only at head (eyes, nose, mouth and neck) or to the liver. Use left hand to punch the right side of the enemy's belly; if the liver is hit it will cause paralysis for a couple of moments. Some people who fight dirty hit the genitalia as a weak spot as well; keep this in mind so it won't be used on you.
Fighters should never engage in fist fighting as training; multiple experiences showed that hits at head dumb down or even cripple men, while hits at the back of the neck cause permanent blinding. Punching should only occur on dolls and punching bags, if not in mere air.
Do not sub-estimate this simple yet efficient way of battle; many people fell and died only from a single well-placed punch at the temple. Fist fighting should be mastered better than the sword or the club. Because many battles require only to discourage or beat the enemy instead of killing him; a conquered land without its men at work it's a barren land.
Notes for training:
<li>do your best to stay upright while you’re fighting; if you get knocked down, protect your head as much as possible to avoid getting hurt more, while kicking with your legs to keep the enemy at bay, while looking for a window to sit up</li>
<li>keep most of your weight on the balls of your feet and bend your knees slightly so you’re able to move around quickly</li>
<li>tuck your head into the shoulders, chin closer to the chest, keep our arms up, bend the knees; don't stiffen your body, rather make it lose</li>
<li>turn your body to the side so your dominant side is furthest from your opponent so you'll cause devastating blows</li>
<li>always keep your eyes on your opponent, specifically watching their eyes; so you can anticipate their movements</li>
<li>be aware of your surroundings so you don’t get backed into a corner or trip on something</li>
<li>make tight fists that are in line with your elbows when you punch, wrap your thumb around the bottom of your fist and apply pressure to make your fist tighter</li>
<li>keep your wrist straight and locked; avoid bending it when you make a fist or else the punch won’t be as powerful when it lands and you could get a sprain</li>
<li>when side punching, rotate your upper-body with the punch and even step through</li>
<li>alternate which hand you jab with to get off multiple, rapid hits</li>
<li>exhale quickly as you throw the punch to help increase the speed and keep us feeling loose</li>
<li>practice throwing hooks from the sides, so our opponent doesn’t see the punch</li>
<li>if you’re close enough to your opponent, you may be able to land a headbutt in order to daze them; quickly tilt our neck back before slamming the top of our forehead forward into our opponent’s nose or the space between their eyes</li>
<li>everything goes; push your opponent away to get more distance between you; slam him down to get on top of him and exhaust him with your body weight</li>
<li>never run away like a coward; fear and pain are inevitable and he who overcomes them with mind power wins
<li>practice talking to your opponent out of fighting and convince him to give up; if necessary, yell for help and always spar with a brother.</li>
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}<p style="font-size:2em; text-align:right">☕</p><p style="font-size:2em">⛃⛃⛃⛃⛂</p><div id="nineMenMorris">o----------------o----------------o
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o----------------o----------------o</div><p style="font-size:2em">⛁⛁⛁⛁⛀</p>
[[game is starting...->nineMenMorris01]]{
this game has been created out of nothing by Dan Santa. It's free to play and share or even expand the ideas from it ad infinitum for your benefit, if that is what you wish.
You can send some spare coins (a coffee cup amount) to the creator here:
<li>paypal: DanSanta123 </li>
<li>cashapp: dansanta2003</li>
<li>zelle: dansanta2003@yahoo.com </li>
May the Twin Gods shine their playful light upon you. And remember to be good.
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hello there
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hello there
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<p>This book has been written in the year of the God 4998</p>
<p>So help us the Mighty God, creator of all things</p>
<p>our school have been established here by a warrior monk. The legends says he crushed the head of big snake, and stepped on his dead body, protecting the people of the settlement. Since then our institution protected its flock around it, against all evil. While we do not believe in war it is God's will to prove to us that he sometimes he needs to add his physical touch.
Our holy task is to love our people as much as we love us, because this is the only way how one can show he loves God. We educated in writing and teaching any requester without any discrimination and with no cost. We continued and preserved most healthy traditions and ceremonies, maintaining the village, who grew in a town and then a city, alive and happy. We did extensive research and discoveries on herbs and food, advicing our flock against poisonous or illness-causing substances.
<h2>School buildings</h2>
<p>Our school is a square construction with 4 towers in corners, oriented in the cardinal directions, with a surphace of 302 m and a perimeter of 520 meters. Each tower bears the name of an element, as follows:
<li>notrh: fire</li>
<li>south: wind</li>
<li>east: water</li>
<li>west: earth</li>
Towers have 2 levels, without counting the attics. At the upmost level we have books associated with their designation, as our spiritual father in God, Casiorous, catalogued and trialed. At the bottom level we have designated reading areas, with wooden desks and ornamental statues, vazes and exotic plants, to rest our eyes and content our souls. The attics are restricted and since they offer distant see, they hold weapons and armors, to confer protection when times of war come upon us.
In the center of the square is our Temple, where we welcome our flock to service, as follows:
in the mornings
in the evenings:
sunday morning: most important Mass of all
Our dormitories, meal hall, kitchen and other facilities are located within the walls that connect each tower. They are restricted to non-clerical personnel.
Other auxiliary buildings are as follows:
cellar, underneath the West Tower, that holds provisions and wine barrels
shed, next to the East Tower, that holds all the gardening tools
winnery, close to the Northern Tower, where we keep all our wine making tools and we make grape wine and apple cider in the Autumns
<h2>Bishop list</h2>
<li>Gregory the Bromine 4445 - 4423</li>
<li>Casiorous 4423 - 4495</li>
<li>4496 - 4512</li>
<li>4512 - 4539</li>
<li>4539 - 4544</li>
<li>4545 - 4587</li>
<li>4587 - </li>
<p>In the moment that we speak, God blessed Arcturion to be our spiritual leader. We have a number of 17 brothers and 1 adolescent "under obedience", soon to join our ranks if God finds him worthy. Other auxiliary personel are in number of 3 and are so:
<li>the wagon driver - who performs errands outside our walls and supplies our cellars with everything we need; from time to time he drives a brother if God sends him in a mission</li>
<li>the janitor - who performs roof repairs, wall reconstruction and facilities maintenance; he also repairs the furniture and take care of the debris from the garden, hauling the heavy materials</li>
<li>the gardener - who performs task associated with plants; not only he has the liberty to hire men to work our crop fields whom he supervize, he is also taking care of our backgarden with lawn and our secret herbal garden of the greenhouse. </li>
<h2>Clerical staff</h2>
Arcturion, the bishop
Ioan, the ring beller
[[go back...->library]]
<div class="boardNote">
This is a very serious warning for all our brothers that reside at our odificio.
While decent and contained chuckles of joy are permitted, because God made them to relieve us for a few short moments of our shoulder crushing sinful nature, ''wild laughter'', ''unstoppable laughter'' and ''laughing out loud are'' not permitted!
<p>I, as a bishop, in 34 years of serving the God, I have never seen such nebunio before, and I've visited to confess many madhouses of the land!
God is my witness that I'm not harsh for free; for, it was the day before yesterday, at burial misa of Nicolae Iohanis, a venerable citizen of our town that departed solemnly in God, more than 4 members of our School, whose names I shall not publicae, decided to burst into loud laughter. Then, on the whole course of the ceremony, they tried unsuccessfully hide in their sleeves their ingrata chuckles and giggles. After I took each of them under confession, I found out that one of them jokingly put a question, that is: "for whom the bells toll?" and when another responded "for the dead", he replied "no, it's for us, because the dead can't hear them", which cause their shameful and indecent behavior to erupt.
After I punished with broken heart the 2 culprits and warned the other 2, I decided that all inappropriate jokes shall be forbidden in our institution for an infinitum period of time. This behavior shall not be tolerated nor shall go unpunished. I make a public appeal to all our brothers to be pious and to remember God in moments of mandatory respect or when paying homagium.
<p class="signature">
Claudius Greogrius
[[go back...->billBoard]]
<p class="classLogo">👧</p>
Once there was a very powerful king. He had 12 sons. He and his queen were upset that couldn’t have a daughter. They posted signs and had bards to spread the word that he who helps them have a daughter will be greatly rewarded. And many wizards, witches and star-seekers heard the call and presented themselves in front of the king with their remedies, advices and magic. Soon after, the queen said she was pregnant. And after 9 months full, she gave birth to a beautiful daughter.
The king and queen loved their daughter very much. She was very beautiful. And while she was growing up, alongside her 12 brothers, draught and hail stroke the kingdom. Soon a famine started in all the land, and other kings threatened with wars. Animals were sick and all Courts birds died in one night. Commons folk started to rebel. The king was heartbroken and tired of all the wars and riots. His wealth and health were just a shadow of who he was in the past.
The king realized it must be some kind of curse and he summoned the wizards and start-seekers again. And they told him to watch how his children sleep. And the king went into their chambers in the middle of the night and noticed that his 12 sons sleep on their backs while his beloved daughter was crouching. And then the wizards and start-seekers told him: your daughter brought bad luck upon you and your kingdom; you must send her away if you want your kingdom and your sons to live. And the king and queen cried very much but they said to each other instead of the kingdom to fall and our sons to die we will send our daughter away.
So they put her asleep in a barrel and put her down a river to drown. And she woke up and she was scared for her life, but the barrel broke on rocks and she climbed on shore to safety. She saw Sheepherders close by and she went to them, cleaning their tents and washing the cauldrons of the shepherds, and the shepherds were very pleased of her and let her stay. But one night, a strange disease ravaged the entire flock of sheep. And the shepherds were mad and said to her: you brought this bad luck upon us, please leave. And she left. And she reached a forest and she ate berries and forest-apples to survive. Soon she found a hut and an old woman living there, with the face of the cauldron's color and big wooden earrings. After king's daughter told her life, the old woman said smiling: you can stay here and live with me, I have nothing to break. So she did for the rest of her life.
[[go back...->library]]
<div class="boardNote">
Who ever stole the purple ink, please return it! Illuminators can't finish their works!
<p style="text-align:center">(text-rotate-z:7)[(text-colour:purple)[''NO!'']]</p>
[[go back...->billBoard]]
<p class="classLogo">🥗</p>
Once there was a happy gardener in the renowned city of Antioch. He was very happy to work in his garden all day long. He had crops of maize, beans, gourds and cabbage and lettuce. He would then sell his vegetables in market and give the leftovers and the coins to the beggars and children. One day he was daydreaming at his stall in the market, and he had an idea. To save each day a coin instead to give it all to the beggars. He was growing old and maybe his fate was of a cripple man that couldn't work anymore for his food. So, he saved every day. He would put all the coins in an amphora. Then he wondered when it will be filled. And he realized it would take a long time. So, he started save more coins, 2 or 3, instead of 1, and he will not give to beggars that much. Soon, he stopped gave them at all and avoided them, talking harsh to leave him alone. He stopped giving money to the children of the street. He raised the price of the vegetables in the market. And he wasn't working happily in the garden anymore, but rather desperate and scared. He cursed when a few cabbages rot, instead to be at peace with the fate. Then, while he was working chaotic in the garden, running around, he stumbled upon a rusty rake and hurt his leg. The leg swollen and oozed yellow substance. It hurt so bad he couldn't walk anymore to do his chores. He said: if I can't work anymore then I will die; I need to pay somebody to heal me. He called doctors and healers and he took coins from his amphora to pay them. The vase was half full, but rapidly emptied. Soon he was left with just a coin. He said: Oh, God, merciful, please help me heal, with this last coin. And he summoned the last doctor who came, did not treat him successfully, and he took his coin. The gardener became a beggar because he couldn't work anymore, and all the other beggars would chase him, because they remember he was greedy and stingy with his coin. The children of the street laughed at him. And soon, he died, and nobody was sorry for him, since they remembered him a bad and miser man.
[[go back...->library]]
}bees, silence and cicoare
[[go back...->thistlePlains]]
[[go back...->thistlePlains]]
[[go back...->thistlePlains]]
[[go back...->thistlePlains]]talk with the gate guards and persuade them to get in (buy him)
talk with the farmer's errand's boy who gets in and he will hint to pretend you're a farmer with a basket full of wallnuts (collect the walnuts; buy the basket or give a bag of walnuts) (mini-game of clicking as many walnuts you can in time-attack)
talk with the alchemist boy who gets out and he will hint to become a scholar appretince (mini-game to find the correct herbs (symbols) in another strange symbols around them; click on the correct 3 herbs)
[[go back...->cityGates]]
[[go back...->cityGates]]
[[go back...->cityGates]]It shouldn't take too long... just 20 yards... Ah, here it is!
[[Help the apprentice->cloverFind00]]
[[go back...->cityGates]]
(set: $cloverCount to 4)talk with the nice Geandarm (hints the second day to join militia so you can go look for your villagers and the Warriors will take care of you since you're homeless)
with the drunk man
with the woman that ignores you
with the man who is peeing (hunter's apprentice) hints to become a Hunter (Rogues)
pharmacist potion
investigate corruption (go at the midnight at the back of Molly's house - listen how a geandarm is bribed; next day the distressed seargant kills himself, or it looks like it's a suicide). military is not everyone; you have to be cut for it. it's how you're born. it's not a decision you can make. Double-click this passage to edit it.
[[go back...->city]]
[[go back...->city]]
[[go back...->city]]
[[go back...->city]]this is the militia barracks. under the same roof warriors reside
cpt. Dan asks you about your village; only asks one question: can you recognize their faces?
"we're done here"
lt. Porav tell you about the other branches
militia (geandarm)
soldiers (non-existent, because the city protects itself by militia; but in times of war, the king of the land recruit personnel from their ranks, already trained, or even volunteers from the city, that train locally, same training as the geandarms)
notes with distress seargant who believes everyone plots against him including the lt - they are all corrupt and let go bandits
Documents Departments:
do you have a library?
our records are restricted; not only to the outsiders, but also to low-ranking personnel
no books on training?
no. we train and learn how to fight by observing and doing. If you want books then go to the scholars
militia: ? train minigame
fireman: put up a fire minigame (fire symbol)
sanitars: first-aid and CPR massage
[[go back...->warriorsBarracks]]
[[go back...->warriorsBarracks]]
[[go back...->warriorsBarracks]]
[[go back...->warriorsBarracks]]
the tablet (wallachian are descendents of moors, or closely related to them; they call the red-men white people like them, because their cheeks are redish, due harsh winters)
missing vol II of the Mythos (a former scholar deserted and ran away - he can be find in the bar. he smokes pipe and drinks beer. he doesn't care about school anymore and tells you the horrors inside, about the kid under obedience)
Double-click this passage to edit it.Double-click this passage to edit it.Double-click this passage to edit it.Double-click this passage to edit it.rogues do not have a place of their own, they do not organize, but rather they are small groups of same profession individuals. While they are versatile and skilled in numerous domains, and they are pretty sharp-mind guys, don't ask about their professions.
you might find some of them here, while buying some fishing or hunting equipment.
but best chances are at Inn, many of them are nomads and they pass by from time to time.
want to buy a sword
(frowns)okay... we have a lot of them and we can also get one exactly how you want
I want to kill some people, who attack my village...
(frowns more)
uhm, I can't sell you weapons if you are planning to kill people. what are you going to to again?
kill people
make them pay
the law states I can't sell guns to criminals.
(goes inside and asks his boss: I have a kid that wants to kill someone and wants to buy a sword)
buy torch, oil and flint. and a knife.
mini puzzle with find the differences (characters)Double-click this passage to edit it.Double-click this passage to edit it.Double-click this passage to edit it.Double-click this passage to edit it.Double-click this passage to edit it.4 missions:
sweep with the broom (minigame, clean all weird symbols: new brooms sweep clean)
what's the meaning? a new employer will work better to prove himself; but actually you have to pay for a new tool if you want to get the work done properly
start pirates treasure
start pharmacist potion
start burn the rats
Hermit talk
retrieve Hermit kept in basementDouble-click this passage to edit it.Double-click this passage to edit it.Double-click this passage to edit it.Double-click this passage to edit it.Double-click this passage to edit it.{
<div id="navcontainer">
<hr />
<ul id="navmenu">
}[[play the game...->nineMenMorris00]]
[[go back...->gamersTable]]Double-click this passage to edit it.Double-click this passage to edit it.Double-click this passage to edit it.
pirates treasure
burn the ratsDouble-click this passage to edit it.Double-click this passage to edit it.Double-click this passage to edit it.Double-click this passage to edit it.Double-click this passage to edit it.
close to the docks
buy a boat
assemble a team (Geandarm, buy a bodyguard?, hunter's apprentice and a deserted scholar)they call dark castle to a tower in the island. they don't even know what a castle looks like! However I'm impressed, they put the villagers to work and rebuilt the tower. It's looking stunning great.
remain hidden; ask a villager girl; men argue what to do, the hunter is ready to take down with the bow 3 or 4 of them. the scholar senses the girl is too excited and propose to tie her, not living her lose (why? so she go back and tell them that she saw 5 armed men?) the bodyguard knows the names of the Serpent Raiders. Geandarm says god almighty with what people I have to fight with side by side.
this is not game, gotdamn it!
the girl says that nobody has been killed. she says please don't kill them, they've been nice to everybody so far.
Are you fricking kidding me? We're are on a island of dangerous bandits and you're asking me not to kill them? I'm going back. I'll report this to my superiors.
are you a coward?
coward? me? While they thought us to be brave at the barracks they didn't told us to be fools. I'm taking the boat back in city. Kid, you better listen to me. I'm calling this off. We're done here. If nobody wants to come back with me now they can stay here and perish. Let's go.
hunters takes down a lone serpent raider with poison potion from the scholar (mini-game)
hero dresses with his clothes
everybody decides not to attack and lay low; hero will go scouting, if he won't come back, they will leave, if he'll come back, we'll see what to do. Double-click this passage to edit it.Double-click this passage to edit it.Double-click this passage to edit it.Double-click this passage to edit it.Double-click this passage to edit it.Double-click this passage to edit it.Double-click this passage to edit it.Double-click this passage to edit it.hero find out he's a serpent raider
battle beginns with Kronic.
Double-click this passage to edit it.Double-click this passage to edit it.Double-click this passage to edit it.Double-click this passage to edit it.sunset on the island.
the villagers don;'t want to be rescued, rather they want to stay there
sholar, bodyguard and hunter stays with them.
geandarm makes a full report and gets back with the boat. he wants to take some money (confiscated) but the villagers threaten to kill him.
hero holds Artrita, agrees to travel the world, live a while in Orience and postpone marriage.
one villager asks him to become their leader
yes = game over, you lose
no = smart choice.
game ends with hero holding Artrita by hand. actually I don't want to marry anymore (hero says: your the only thing I got!) and then she says okay. Double-click this passage to edit it.Double-click this passage to edit it.Double-click this passage to edit it.Double-click this passage to edit it.Notice that the symbols of book, eye, mouth and hand haven't been used throughout the book since the printer didn't had enough ink.
So I guess you have to be happy with the words for them. Just imagine them in your head, please.
Thank you.Double-click this passage to edit it.[<h2 style="text-align:center">Panel</h2>]
[[Time Table->timeTable]]
[[piece of paper->shoppingList]]
[[strange note->strangeNote]]
[[another piece of paper->eyeSoulNote]]
[[lost cat found!->lostCat]]
[[the 7 Capital Sins->capitalSins]]
[[Donate for Children of Siria!->donateSiria]]
[[Please help->babyBlisters]]
[[***!!!Last Warning!!!***->cartWarranty]]
[[???->conspiration]]<div class="boardNote">
<h4 style="text-align:center">Februarius 5021</h4>
<table style="font-size: 0.8em;line-height: 1em;">
<tr><td>1</td><td>L</td><td> </td><td>st. Trifon</td></tr>
<tr style="color:red"><td>2</td><td>M</td><td>🕈</td><td>Lord's Greeting</td></tr>
<tr><td>3</td><td>M</td><td> </td><td>st. Simeon and Ana</td></tr>
<tr><td>4</td><td>J</td><td> </td><td>st. Isidor of Pelusium</td></tr>
<tr><td>5</td><td>V</td><td> </td><td>st. Agata</td></tr>
<tr><td>6</td><td>S</td><td> </td><td>st. Varsanufie the Great; John the Prophet, Vucol and Fotie</td></tr>
<tr><td>7</td><td>D</td><td> </td><td>st. Partenie of Lampsacus</td></tr>
<tr style="color:red"><td colspan="4">Sunday of the Parable of the Talents</td></tr>
<tr><td>8</td><td>L</td><td> </td><td>st. Teodor Stratilat; st. Prophet Zaharia</td></tr>
<tr><td>9</td><td>M</td><td> </td><td>st. Nichifor</td></tr>
<tr><td>10</td><td>M</td><td>🕈</td><td>st. Haralambie</td></tr>
<tr><td>11</td><td>J</td><td> </td><td>st. Vlasie; st. emp. Teodora</td></tr>
<tr><td>12</td><td>V</td><td> </td><td>st. Meletie of Antioh</td></tr>
<tr><td>13</td><td>S</td><td> </td><td>st. Martinian; st. Acvila and Priscila; st. Evloghie</td></tr>
<tr><td>14</td><td>D</td><td> </td><td>st. Auxentiu, Maron and Avraam</td></tr>
<tr style="color:red"><td colspan="4">Sunday of the Canaan woman</td></tr>
<tr><td>15</td><td>L</td><td> </td><td>st. Onisim</td></tr>
<tr><td>16</td><td>M</td><td> </td><td>st. Pamfil and Valentin</td></tr>
<tr><td>17</td><td>M</td><td> </td><td>st. Teodor Tiron</td></tr>
<tr><td>18</td><td>J</td><td> </td><td>st. Leon, pope of Rome</td></tr>
<tr><td>19</td><td>V</td><td> </td><td>st. Arhip, Filimon and his wife, Apfia</td></tr>
<tr><td>20</td><td>S</td><td> </td><td>st. Leon of Catania</td></tr>
<tr><td>21</td><td>D</td><td> </td><td>st. Eustatie and st. Timotei; Triod starts</td></tr>
<tr style="color:red"><td colspan="4">Sunday of the Tax Collector and the Pharisee</td></tr>
<tr><td>22</td><td>L</td><td> </td><td>Findings of the Evghenia saints bones</td></tr>
<tr><td>23</td><td>M</td><td> </td><td>Policarp, the saint born in prison</td></tr>
<tr><td>24</td><td>M</td><td>🕈</td><td>First and second finding of the John the Baptist's head</td></tr>
<tr><td>25</td><td>J</td><td> </td><td>st. Tarasie</td></tr>
<tr><td>26</td><td>V</td><td> </td><td>st. Porfirie</td></tr>
<tr><td>27</td><td>S</td><td> </td><td>st. Procorpie the Decapolite; st. Talaleu</td></tr>
<tr><td>28</td><td>D</td><td> </td><td>st. Ioan Casian and Gherman; st. Basil the Confessor</td></tr>
<tr style="color:red"><td colspan="4">Sunday of the Lost Son</td></tr>
[[go back...->billBoard]]
</p><div class="boardNote">
<h4>Time Table</h4>
<tr><td>5:45 am</td><td>wake up</td></tr>
<tr><td>6:00 am</td><td>Prime</td></tr>
<tr><td>6:30 am</td><td>breakfast</td></tr>
<tr><td>7:00 am</td><td>house meeting</td></tr>
<tr><td>9:30 am</td><td>Terce</td></tr>
<tr><td>9:30 am</td><td>work</td></tr>
<tr><td>12:00 noon</td><td>Sext</td></tr>
<tr><td>1:00 pm</td><td>Lunch</td></tr>
<tr><td>1:30 pm</td><td>sleep, reading or prayer</td></tr>
<tr><td>3:00 pm</td><td>None</td></tr>
<tr><td>3:30 pm</td><td>work</td></tr>
<tr><td>6:00 pm</td><td>Vespers</td></tr>
<tr><td>7:00 pm</td><td>private reading and prayer</td></tr>
<tr><td>9:00 pm</td><td>Compline</td></tr>
<tr><td>9:30 pm</td><td>go to bed</td></tr>
<tr><td>12:00 midnight</td><td>wake up for Matins, followed by Lauds</td></tr>
<tr><td>1:00 am</td><td>return to bed</td></tr>
[[go back...->billBoard]]
</p><div class="whitePaper">
<h4>Groceries List</h4><ul>
<li>🥖 1/2 dozen fresh</li>
<li>🝆 3 bottles; must be olive</li>
<li>🥚 2 dozen</li>
<li>🍎 2 small bags</li>
<li>🐟 a dozen</li>
<li>🍯 3 pots</li>
<li>🧅 1 bag</li>
<li>🥕 1 bag</li>
<li>🥔 5 big bags full</li></ul>
[[go back...->billBoard]]
<div class="whitePaper">
<li>peppermint hot tea</li>
<li>slice of bread with honey</li>
<li>tomato soup</li>
<li>potato stew with mămăligă</li>
<li>fried fish with garlic</li>
<li>an apple</li>
<li>chamomile tea and lemon</li>
<li>toast bread with garlic</li>
[[go back...->billBoard]]
}<div class="whitePaper">
<p>vafgnag nakvrgl naq qrcerffvba eryvrs sbe 420 pbccre pbvaf
gnxr gur fubeg gevc gb or cneg bs qvivavgl gbavtug
ebbz gjragl rvtug
cnffjbeq: n gubhfnaq onol natryf va tbyqra cnagf
</p><p class="smallText">ROT13</p>
[[go back...->billBoard]]
</p><p class="storyWarriors">the eyes are the mirror of the soul</p>
[[go back...->billBoard]]
</p><div class="whitePaper"><h4>LOST CAT FOUND!</h4>
ddddmdmdhyyddmNmmmdmdmmNmmmNNmmmmmmNMNmdhyyyhhyyyhddhysoo+///+/:---...``` ````..--::/::://///--.```-.``:...-..````.://+o+:::/sdmmmNNNMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM
ddhyhhhddydhyhdddhddhhhddmmNmmNNNmdmmdmmhyyyyssyhdmdsssss+++++//:--...``` ``````..````.....----..```````.``-.`.`.----.-::////+yNNMMMMNMMMMMMMMMMMMMM
hhysysyhhyhddhhdyyyhddhdddmmmmNNNNNNmmmmmyssosyshmdhysysoo+++++/:--...````` ``````````` ````````......``````...``......--:::://+ymNNNNNNMMMMMMMMMMMMM
dhsoyhdhhhdmdmmmddddmmmmdhhdmmNNmNNNNNNNmddyyhhyydmmdysosoo++++/::---..`````````````````` ````````````..````````...``.--::::::://ssNMMMMMMNNMMMMMMMMMM
black, tan and grey
no collar
not very friendly because I think she may be scared
not house broken either
missing hair on the tail, needs to see the vet soon
she's scared and wants to go home
if she's yours please come get her at room 8</div>
[[go back...->billBoard]]
</p><div class="boardNote"><h2 style="text-align:center">The Seven Capital Sins</h2><hr /><p class="whitePaper">1. Lust vs Chastity
<span class="mediumText">unrestrained sexual craving</span>
''BE PURE'': guard your heart; work continusly
</p><p class="whitePaper">2. Gluttony vs Temperance
<span class="mediumText">over-indulging, especially in eating</span>
''BE MODERATE'': work regularly, avoid excess in eating and drinking
</p><p class="whitePaper">3. Greed vs Charity
<span class="mediumText">desire for excessive material things</span>
''BE GENEROUS'': donate something you like but don't need to the poor
</p><p class="whitePaper">4. Sloth vs Diligence
<span class="mediumText">laziness, lack of effort</span>
''BE DILIGENT'': follow the schedule; don't let yourself rest your life
</p><p class="whitePaper">5. Wrath vs Forgiveness
<span class="mediumText">feelings of hatred and anger</span>
''BE PATIENT'': moderate your emotions, forgive your brother
</p><p class="whitePaper">6. Envy vs Kindness
<span class="mediumText">jelousy towards another's happiness</span>
''BE THANKFUL'': thank God everyday for what you have and don't have
</p><p class="whitePaper">7. Pride vs Humility
<span class="mediumText">inflated sense of one's accomplishments</span>
''BE HUMBLE'': you need God and others; pray and serve others
</p><hr /></div>
[[go back...->billBoard]]
</p><p style="font-size:2em; text-align:right">☕</p><p style="font-size:2em">⛃⛃⛃⛃⛂</p><div id="nineMenMorris">o----------------o----------------o
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o----o----o<span class="inviText">------------</span>o----o----o
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o----------------o----------------o</div><p style="font-size:2em">⛁⛁⛁⛁⛀</p>
[[You placed your morris where you thought it was best....->nineMenMorris02]]<p style="font-size:2em; text-align:right">☕</p><p style="font-size:2em">⛃⛃⛃⛃⛂</p><div id="nineMenMorris">o----------------o----------------o
|<span class="inviText">-----------------</span>|<span class="inviText">-----------------</span>|
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|<span class="inviText">-----</span>|<span class="inviText">-----------</span>|<span class="inviText">-----------</span>|<span class="inviText">-----</span>|
|<span class="inviText">-----</span>|<span class="inviText">----</span>o-----o-----o<span class="inviText">----</span>|<span class="inviText">-----</span>|
|<span class="inviText">-----</span>|<span class="inviText">----</span>|<span class="inviText">-------------</span>|<span class="inviText">----</span>|<span class="inviText">-----</span>|
o----o----o<span class="inviText">------------</span>o----o----o
|<span class="inviText">-----</span>|<span class="inviText">----</span>|<span class="inviText">-------------</span>|<span class="inviText">----</span>|<span class="inviText">-----</span>|
|<span class="inviText">-----</span>|<span class="inviText">----</span>o-----o-----o<span class="inviText">----</span>|<span class="inviText">-----</span>|
|<span class="inviText">-----</span>|<span class="inviText">-----------</span>|<span class="inviText">-----------</span>|<span class="inviText">-----</span>|
|<span class="inviText">-----</span>o----------o----------o<span class="inviText">-----</span>|
|<span class="inviText">-----------------</span>|<span class="inviText">-----------------</span>|
o----------------o----------------o</div><p style="font-size:2em">⛁⛁⛁⛁⛀</p>
[[next...->nineMenMorris03]]<p style="font-size:2em; text-align:right">☕</p><p style="font-size:2em">⛃⛃⛃⛃⛂</p><div id="nineMenMorris">o----------------o----------------o
|<span class="inviText">-----------------</span>|<span class="inviText">-----------------</span>|
|<span class="inviText">-----</span>o----------o----------o<span class="inviText">-----</span>|
|<span class="inviText">-----</span>|<span class="inviText">-----------</span>|<span class="inviText">-----------</span>|<span class="inviText">-----</span>|
|<span class="inviText">-----</span>|<span class="inviText">----</span>o-----o-----o<span class="inviText">----</span>|<span class="inviText">-----</span>|
|<span class="inviText">-----</span>|<span class="inviText">----</span>|<span class="inviText">-------------</span>|<span class="inviText">----</span>|<span class="inviText">-----</span>|
o----o----o<span class="inviText">------------</span>o----o----o
|<span class="inviText">-----</span>|<span class="inviText">----</span>|<span class="inviText">-------------</span>|<span class="inviText">----</span>|<span class="inviText">-----</span>|
|<span class="inviText">-----</span>|<span class="inviText">----</span>o-----o-----o<span class="inviText">----</span>|<span class="inviText">-----</span>|
|<span class="inviText">-----</span>|<span class="inviText">-----------</span>|<span class="inviText">-----------</span>|<span class="inviText">-----</span>|
|<span class="inviText">-----</span>o----------o----------o<span class="inviText">-----</span>|
|<span class="inviText">-----------------</span>|<span class="inviText">-----------------</span>|
o----------------o----------------o</div><p style="font-size:2em">⛁⛁⛁⛁⛀</p>
[[next...->nineMenMorris04]]<p style="font-size:2em"> </p><p style="font-size:2em">⛃⛃⛃⛃⛂</p><div id="nineMenMorris">o----------------o----------------o
|<span class="inviText">-----------------</span>|<span class="inviText">-----------------</span>|
|<span class="inviText">-----</span>o----------o----------o<span class="inviText">-----</span>|
|<span class="inviText">-----</span>|<span class="inviText">-----------</span>|<span class="inviText">-----------</span>|<span class="inviText">-----</span>|
|<span class="inviText">-----</span>|<span class="inviText">----</span>o-----o-----o<span class="inviText">----</span>|<span class="inviText">-----</span>|
|<span class="inviText">-----</span>|<span class="inviText">----</span>|<span class="inviText">-------------</span>|<span class="inviText">----</span>|<span class="inviText">-----</span>|
o----o----o<span class="inviText">------------</span>o----o----o
|<span class="inviText">-----</span>|<span class="inviText">----</span>|<span class="inviText">-------------</span>|<span class="inviText">----</span>|<span class="inviText">-----</span>|
|<span class="inviText">-----</span>|<span class="inviText">----</span>o-----o-----o<span class="inviText">----</span>|<span class="inviText">-----</span>|
|<span class="inviText">-----</span>|<span class="inviText">-----------</span>|<span class="inviText">-----------</span>|<span class="inviText">-----</span>|
|<span class="inviText">-----</span>o----------o----------o<span class="inviText">-----</span>|
|<span class="inviText">-----------------</span>|<span class="inviText">-----------------</span>|
o----------------o----------------o</div><p style="font-size:2em">⛁⛁⛁⛁⛀</p>
[[next...->nineMenMorris05]]<p style="font-size:2em; text-align:left">🍗</p><p style="font-size:2em">⛃⛃⛃⛃⛂</p><div id="nineMenMorris">o----------------o----------------o
|<span class="inviText">-----------------</span>|<span class="inviText">-----------------</span>|
|<span class="inviText">-----</span>o----------o----------o<span class="inviText">-----</span>|
|<span class="inviText">-----</span>|<span class="inviText">-----------</span>|<span class="inviText">-----------</span>|<span class="inviText">-----</span>|
|<span class="inviText">-----</span>|<span class="inviText">----</span>o-----o-----o<span class="inviText">----</span>|<span class="inviText">-----</span>|
|<span class="inviText">-----</span>|<span class="inviText">----</span>|<span class="inviText">-------------</span>|<span class="inviText">----</span>|<span class="inviText">-----</span>|
o----o----o<span class="inviText">------------</span>o----o----o
|<span class="inviText">-----</span>|<span class="inviText">----</span>|<span class="inviText">-------------</span>|<span class="inviText">----</span>|<span class="inviText">-----</span>|
|<span class="inviText">-----</span>|<span class="inviText">----</span>o-----o-----o<span class="inviText">----</span>|<span class="inviText">-----</span>|
|<span class="inviText">-----</span>|<span class="inviText">-----------</span>|<span class="inviText">-----------</span>|<span class="inviText">-----</span>|
|<span class="inviText">-----</span>o----------o----------o<span class="inviText">-----</span>|
|<span class="inviText">-----------------</span>|<span class="inviText">-----------------</span>|
o----------------o----------------o</div><p style="font-size:2em">⛁⛁⛁⛁⛀</p>
[[next...->nineMenMorris06]]<p style="font-size:2em; text-align:left">🍖</p><p style="font-size:2em">⛃⛃⛃⛃⛂</p><div id="nineMenMorris">o----------------o----------------o
|<span class="inviText">-----------------</span>|<span class="inviText">-----------------</span>|
|<span class="inviText">-----</span>o----------o----------o<span class="inviText">-----</span>|
|<span class="inviText">-----</span>|<span class="inviText">-----------</span>|<span class="inviText">-----------</span>|<span class="inviText">-----</span>|
|<span class="inviText">-----</span>|<span class="inviText">----</span>o-----o-----o<span class="inviText">----</span>|<span class="inviText">-----</span>|
|<span class="inviText">-----</span>|<span class="inviText">----</span>|<span class="inviText">-------------</span>|<span class="inviText">----</span>|<span class="inviText">-----</span>|
o----o----o<span class="inviText">------------</span>o----o----o
|<span class="inviText">-----</span>|<span class="inviText">----</span>|<span class="inviText">-------------</span>|<span class="inviText">----</span>|<span class="inviText">-----</span>|
|<span class="inviText">-----</span>|<span class="inviText">----</span>o-----o-----o<span class="inviText">----</span>|<span class="inviText">-----</span>|
|<span class="inviText">-----</span>|<span class="inviText">-----------</span>|<span class="inviText">-----------</span>|<span class="inviText">-----</span>|
|<span class="inviText">-----</span>o----------o----------o<span class="inviText">-----</span>|
|<span class="inviText">-----------------</span>|<span class="inviText">-----------------</span>|
o----------------o----------------o</div><p style="font-size:2em">⛁⛁⛁⛁⛀</p>
[[next...->nineMenMorris07]]<p style="font-size:2em; text-align:left">🦴</p><p style="font-size:2em">⛃⛃⛃⛃⛂</p><div id="nineMenMorris">o----------------o----------------o
|<span class="inviText">-----------------</span>|<span class="inviText">-----------------</span>|
|<span class="inviText">-----</span>o----------o----------o<span class="inviText">-----</span>|
|<span class="inviText">-----</span>|<span class="inviText">-----------</span>|<span class="inviText">-----------</span>|<span class="inviText">-----</span>|
|<span class="inviText">-----</span>|<span class="inviText">----</span>o-----o-----o<span class="inviText">----</span>|<span class="inviText">-----</span>|
|<span class="inviText">-----</span>|<span class="inviText">----</span>|<span class="inviText">-------------</span>|<span class="inviText">----</span>|<span class="inviText">-----</span>|
o----o----o<span class="inviText">------------</span>o----o----o
|<span class="inviText">-----</span>|<span class="inviText">----</span>|<span class="inviText">-------------</span>|<span class="inviText">----</span>|<span class="inviText">-----</span>|
|<span class="inviText">-----</span>|<span class="inviText">----</span>o-----o-----o<span class="inviText">----</span>|<span class="inviText">-----</span>|
|<span class="inviText">-----</span>|<span class="inviText">-----------</span>|<span class="inviText">-----------</span>|<span class="inviText">-----</span>|
|<span class="inviText">-----</span>o----------o----------o<span class="inviText">-----</span>|
|<span class="inviText">-----------------</span>|<span class="inviText">-----------------</span>|
o----------------o----------------o</div><p style="font-size:2em">⛁⛁⛁⛁⛀</p>
[[next...->nineMenMorris08]]<p style="font-size:2em; text-align:left"> </p><p style="font-size:2em">⛃⛃⛃⛃⛂</p><div id="nineMenMorris">o----------------o----------------o
|<span class="inviText">-----------------</span>|<span class="inviText">-----------------</span>|
|<span class="inviText">-----</span>o----------o----------o<span class="inviText">-----</span>|
|<span class="inviText">-----</span>|<span class="inviText">-----------</span>|<span class="inviText">-----------</span>|<span class="inviText">-----</span>|
|<span class="inviText">-----</span>|<span class="inviText">----</span>o-----o-----o<span class="inviText">----</span>|<span class="inviText">-----</span>|
|<span class="inviText">-----</span>|<span class="inviText">----</span>|<span class="inviText">-------------</span>|<span class="inviText">----</span>|<span class="inviText">-----</span>|
o----o----o<span class="inviText">------------</span>o----o----o
|<span class="inviText">-----</span>|<span class="inviText">----</span>|<span class="inviText">-------------</span>|<span class="inviText">----</span>|<span class="inviText">-----</span>|
|<span class="inviText">-----</span>|<span class="inviText">----</span>o-----o-----o<span class="inviText">----</span>|<span class="inviText">-----</span>|
|<span class="inviText">-----</span>|<span class="inviText">-----------</span>|<span class="inviText">-----------</span>|<span class="inviText">-----</span>|
|<span class="inviText">-----</span>o----------o----------o<span class="inviText">-----</span>|
|<span class="inviText">-----------------</span>|<span class="inviText">-----------------</span>|
o----------------o----------------o</div><p style="font-size:2em">⛁⛁⛁⛁⛀</p>
[[next...->nineMenMorris09]]<p style="font-size:2em; text-align:left"> </p><p style="font-size:2em">⛃⛃⛃⛃⛂</p><div id="nineMenMorris">o----------------o----------------o
|<span class="inviText">-----------------</span>|<span class="inviText">-----------------</span>|
|<span class="inviText">-----</span>o----------o----------o<span class="inviText">-----</span>|
|<span class="inviText">-----</span>|<span class="inviText">-----------</span>|<span class="inviText">-----------</span>|<span class="inviText">-----</span>|
|<span class="inviText">-----</span>|<span class="inviText">----</span>o-----o-----o<span class="inviText">----</span>|<span class="inviText">-----</span>|
|<span class="inviText">-----</span>|<span class="inviText">----</span>|<span class="inviText">-------------</span>|<span class="inviText">----</span>|<span class="inviText">-----</span>|
o----o----o<span class="inviText">------------</span>o----o----o
|<span class="inviText">-----</span>|<span class="inviText">----</span>|<span class="inviText">-------------</span>|<span class="inviText">----</span>|<span class="inviText">-----</span>|
|<span class="inviText">-----</span>|<span class="inviText">----</span>o-----o-----o<span class="inviText">----</span>|<span class="inviText">-----</span>|
|<span class="inviText">-----</span>|<span class="inviText">-----------</span>|<span class="inviText">-----------</span>|<span class="inviText">-----</span>|
|<span class="inviText">-----</span>o----------o----------o<span class="inviText">-----</span>|
|<span class="inviText">-----------------</span>|<span class="inviText">-----------------</span>|
o----------------o----------------o</div><p style="font-size:2em">⛁⛁⛁⛁⛀</p>
[[next...->nineMenMorris10]]<p style="font-size:2em; text-align:center">🧀</p><p style="font-size:2em">⛃⛃⛃⛃⛂</p><div id="nineMenMorris">o----------------o----------------o
|<span class="inviText">-----------------</span>|<span class="inviText">-----------------</span>|
|<span class="inviText">-----</span>o----------o----------o<span class="inviText">-----</span>|
|<span class="inviText">-----</span>|<span class="inviText">-----------</span>|<span class="inviText">-----------</span>|<span class="inviText">-----</span>|
|<span class="inviText">-----</span>|<span class="inviText">----</span>o-----o-----o<span class="inviText">----</span>|<span class="inviText">-----</span>|
|<span class="inviText">-----</span>|<span class="inviText">----</span>|<span class="inviText">-------------</span>|<span class="inviText">----</span>|<span class="inviText">-----</span>|
o----o----o<span class="inviText">------------</span>o----o----o
|<span class="inviText">-----</span>|<span class="inviText">----</span>|<span class="inviText">-------------</span>|<span class="inviText">----</span>|<span class="inviText">-----</span>|
|<span class="inviText">-----</span>|<span class="inviText">----</span>o-----o-----o<span class="inviText">----</span>|<span class="inviText">-----</span>|
|<span class="inviText">-----</span>|<span class="inviText">-----------</span>|<span class="inviText">-----------</span>|<span class="inviText">-----</span>|
|<span class="inviText">-----</span>o----------o----------o<span class="inviText">-----</span>|
|<span class="inviText">-----------------</span>|<span class="inviText">-----------------</span>|
o----------------o----------------o</div><p style="font-size:2em">⛁⛁⛁⛁⛀</p>
[[next...->nineMenMorris11]]<p style="font-size:2em; text-align:center">🧀</p><p style="font-size:2em">⛃⛃⛃⛃⛂</p><div id="nineMenMorris">o----------------o----------------o
|<span class="inviText">-----------------</span>|<span class="inviText">-----------------</span>|
|<span class="inviText">-----</span>o----------o----------o<span class="inviText">-----</span>|
|<span class="inviText">-----</span>|<span class="inviText">-----------</span>|<span class="inviText">-----------</span>|<span class="inviText">-----</span>|
|<span class="inviText">-----</span>|<span class="inviText">----</span>o-----o-----o<span class="inviText">----</span>|<span class="inviText">-----</span>|
|<span class="inviText">-----</span>|<span class="inviText">----</span>|<span class="inviText">-------------</span>|<span class="inviText">----</span>|<span class="inviText">-----</span>|
o----o----o<span class="inviText">------------</span>o----o----o
|<span class="inviText">-----</span>|<span class="inviText">----</span>|<span class="inviText">-------------</span>|<span class="inviText">----</span>|<span class="inviText">-----</span>|
|<span class="inviText">-----</span>|<span class="inviText">----</span>o-----o-----o<span class="inviText">----</span>|<span class="inviText">-----</span>|
|<span class="inviText">-----</span>|<span class="inviText">-----------</span>|<span class="inviText">-----------</span>|<span class="inviText">-----</span>|
|<span class="inviText">-----</span>o----------o----------o<span class="inviText">-----</span>|
|<span class="inviText">-----------------</span>|<span class="inviText">-----------------</span>|
o----------------o----------------o</div><p style="font-size:2em">⛁⛁⛁⛁⛀</p>
[[next...->nineMenMorris12]]<p style="font-size:2em; text-align:center">🧀</p><p style="font-size:2em">⛃⛃⛃⛃⛂</p><div id="nineMenMorris">o----------------o----------------o
|<span class="inviText">-----------------</span>|<span class="inviText">-----------------</span>|
|<span class="inviText">-----</span>o----------o----------o<span class="inviText">-----</span>|
|<span class="inviText">-----</span>|<span class="inviText">-----------</span>|<span class="inviText">-----------</span>|<span class="inviText">-----</span>|
|<span class="inviText">-----</span>|<span class="inviText">----</span>o-----o-----o<span class="inviText">----</span>|<span class="inviText">-----</span>|
|<span class="inviText">-----</span>|<span class="inviText">----</span>|<span class="inviText">-------------</span>|<span class="inviText">----</span>|<span class="inviText">-----</span>|
o----o----o<span class="inviText">------------</span>o----o----o
|<span class="inviText">-----</span>|<span class="inviText">----</span>|<span class="inviText">-------------</span>|<span class="inviText">----</span>|<span class="inviText">-----</span>|
|<span class="inviText">-----</span>|<span class="inviText">----</span>o-----o-----o<span class="inviText">----</span>|<span class="inviText">-----</span>|
|<span class="inviText">-----</span>|<span class="inviText">-----------</span>|<span class="inviText">-----------</span>|<span class="inviText">-----</span>|
|<span class="inviText">-----</span>o----------o----------o<span class="inviText">-----</span>|
|<span class="inviText">-----------------</span>|<span class="inviText">-----------------</span>|
o----------------o----------------o</div><p style="font-size:2em">⛁⛁⛁⛁⛀</p>
[[next...->nineMenMorris13]]<p style="font-size:2em; text-align:center"> </p><p style="font-size:2em">⛃⛃⛃⛃⛂</p><div id="nineMenMorris">o----------------o----------------o
|<span class="inviText">-----------------</span>|<span class="inviText">-----------------</span>|
|<span class="inviText">-----</span>o----------o----------o<span class="inviText">-----</span>|
|<span class="inviText">-----</span>|<span class="inviText">-----------</span>|<span class="inviText">-----------</span>|<span class="inviText">-----</span>|
|<span class="inviText">-----</span>|<span class="inviText">----</span>o-----o-----o<span class="inviText">----</span>|<span class="inviText">-----</span>|
|<span class="inviText">-----</span>|<span class="inviText">----</span>|<span class="inviText">-------------</span>|<span class="inviText">----</span>|<span class="inviText">-----</span>|
o----o----o<span class="inviText">------------</span>o----o----o
|<span class="inviText">-----</span>|<span class="inviText">----</span>|<span class="inviText">-------------</span>|<span class="inviText">----</span>|<span class="inviText">-----</span>|
|<span class="inviText">-----</span>|<span class="inviText">----</span>o-----o-----o<span class="inviText">----</span>|<span class="inviText">-----</span>|
|<span class="inviText">-----</span>|<span class="inviText">-----------</span>|<span class="inviText">-----------</span>|<span class="inviText">-----</span>|
|<span class="inviText">-----</span>o----------o----------o<span class="inviText">-----</span>|
|<span class="inviText">-----------------</span>|<span class="inviText">-----------------</span>|
o----------------o----------------o</div><p style="font-size:2em">⛁⛁⛁⛁⛀</p>
[[next...->nineMenMorris14]]Wait. I feel bad I'm eating all these stuff. Here, have a pretzel, you.
<p style="font-size: 2em;">🥨</p>
<p style="font-size: 2em;">[[🥨->nineMenMorris16]]<p>
<p style="font-size: 2em;">[[🥨->nineMenMorris17]]</p>
<p style="font-size: 2em;">[[🥨->nineMenMorris18]]</p>[[Thank you.->nineMenMorris19]]
<p style="font-size: 2em;">🥨</p>[[A-ha.->nineMenMorris20]]<p style="font-size:2em; text-align:center"> </p><p style="font-size:2em">⛃⛃⛃⛃⛂</p><div id="nineMenMorris">o----------------o----------------o
|<span class="inviText">-----------------</span>|<span class="inviText">-----------------</span>|
|<span class="inviText">-----</span>o----------o----------o<span class="inviText">-----</span>|
|<span class="inviText">-----</span>|<span class="inviText">-----------</span>|<span class="inviText">-----------</span>|<span class="inviText">-----</span>|
|<span class="inviText">-----</span>|<span class="inviText">----</span>o-----o-----o<span class="inviText">----</span>|<span class="inviText">-----</span>|
|<span class="inviText">-----</span>|<span class="inviText">----</span>|<span class="inviText">-------------</span>|<span class="inviText">----</span>|<span class="inviText">-----</span>|
o----o----o<span class="inviText">------------</span>o----o----o
|<span class="inviText">-----</span>|<span class="inviText">----</span>|<span class="inviText">-------------</span>|<span class="inviText">----</span>|<span class="inviText">-----</span>|
|<span class="inviText">-----</span>|<span class="inviText">----</span>o-----o-----o<span class="inviText">----</span>|<span class="inviText">-----</span>|
|<span class="inviText">-----</span>|<span class="inviText">-----------</span>|<span class="inviText">-----------</span>|<span class="inviText">-----</span>|
|<span class="inviText">-----</span>o----------o----------o<span class="inviText">-----</span>|
|<span class="inviText">-----------------</span>|<span class="inviText">-----------------</span>|
o----------------o----------------o</div><p style="font-size:2em">⛁⛁⛁⛁⛀</p>
[[next...->nineMenMorris21]]You can have the croissant, too. I'll be just finishing my sandwich.
[[...->nineMenMorris22]]<p style="font-size: 2em;">[[🥐->nineMenMorris23]]</p>
<p style="font-size: 2em;">[[🥐->nineMenMorris24]]</p>
<p style="font-size: 2em;">[[🥐->nineMenMorris25]]</p>
<p style="font-size: 2em;">[[🥐->nineMenMorris26]]</p>[[Thank you.->nineMenMorris27]]
<p style="font-size: 2em;">🥐</p>[[Yeah, yeah, sure... don't mention it.->nineMenMorris28]]<p style="font-size:2em; text-align:right">🥪</p><p style="font-size:2em">⛃⛃⛃⛃⛂</p><div id="nineMenMorris">o----------------o----------------o
|<span class="inviText">-----------------</span>|<span class="inviText">-----------------</span>|
|<span class="inviText">-----</span>o----------o----------o<span class="inviText">-----</span>|
|<span class="inviText">-----</span>|<span class="inviText">-----------</span>|<span class="inviText">-----------</span>|<span class="inviText">-----</span>|
|<span class="inviText">-----</span>|<span class="inviText">----</span>o-----o-----o<span class="inviText">----</span>|<span class="inviText">-----</span>|
|<span class="inviText">-----</span>|<span class="inviText">----</span>|<span class="inviText">-------------</span>|<span class="inviText">----</span>|<span class="inviText">-----</span>|
o----o----o<span class="inviText">------------</span>o----o----o
|<span class="inviText">-----</span>|<span class="inviText">----</span>|<span class="inviText">-------------</span>|<span class="inviText">----</span>|<span class="inviText">-----</span>|
|<span class="inviText">-----</span>|<span class="inviText">----</span>o-----o-----o<span class="inviText">----</span>|<span class="inviText">-----</span>|
|<span class="inviText">-----</span>|<span class="inviText">-----------</span>|<span class="inviText">-----------</span>|<span class="inviText">-----</span>|
|<span class="inviText">-----</span>o----------o----------o<span class="inviText">-----</span>|
|<span class="inviText">-----------------</span>|<span class="inviText">-----------------</span>|
o----------------o----------------o</div><p style="font-size:2em">⛁⛁⛁⛁⛀</p>
[[next...->nineMenMorris29]]<p style="font-size:2em; text-align:right">🥪</p><p style="font-size:2em">⛃⛃⛃⛃⛂</p><div id="nineMenMorris">o----------------o----------------o
|<span class="inviText">-----------------</span>|<span class="inviText">-----------------</span>|
|<span class="inviText">-----</span>o----------o----------o<span class="inviText">-----</span>|
|<span class="inviText">-----</span>|<span class="inviText">-----------</span>|<span class="inviText">-----------</span>|<span class="inviText">-----</span>|
|<span class="inviText">-----</span>|<span class="inviText">----</span>o-----o-----o<span class="inviText">----</span>|<span class="inviText">-----</span>|
|<span class="inviText">-----</span>|<span class="inviText">----</span>|<span class="inviText">-------------</span>|<span class="inviText">----</span>|<span class="inviText">-----</span>|
o----o----o<span class="inviText">------------</span>o----o----o
|<span class="inviText">-----</span>|<span class="inviText">----</span>|<span class="inviText">-------------</span>|<span class="inviText">----</span>|<span class="inviText">-----</span>|
|<span class="inviText">-----</span>|<span class="inviText">----</span>o-----o-----o<span class="inviText">----</span>|<span class="inviText">-----</span>|
|<span class="inviText">-----</span>|<span class="inviText">-----------</span>|<span class="inviText">-----------</span>|<span class="inviText">-----</span>|
|<span class="inviText">-----</span>o----------o----------o<span class="inviText">-----</span>|
|<span class="inviText">-----------------</span>|<span class="inviText">-----------------</span>|
o----------------o----------------o</div><p style="font-size:2em">⛁⛁⛁⛁⛀</p>
[[next...->nineMenMorris30]]<p style="font-size:2em; text-align:center">🥪</p><p style="font-size:2em">⛃⛃⛃⛃⛂</p><div id="nineMenMorris">o----------------o----------------o
|<span class="inviText">-----------------</span>|<span class="inviText">-----------------</span>|
|<span class="inviText">-----</span>o----------o----------o<span class="inviText">-----</span>|
|<span class="inviText">-----</span>|<span class="inviText">-----------</span>|<span class="inviText">-----------</span>|<span class="inviText">-----</span>|
|<span class="inviText">-----</span>|<span class="inviText">----</span>o-----o-----o<span class="inviText">----</span>|<span class="inviText">-----</span>|
|<span class="inviText">-----</span>|<span class="inviText">----</span>|<span class="inviText">-------------</span>|<span class="inviText">----</span>|<span class="inviText">-----</span>|
o----o----o<span class="inviText">------------</span>o----o----o
|<span class="inviText">-----</span>|<span class="inviText">----</span>|<span class="inviText">-------------</span>|<span class="inviText">----</span>|<span class="inviText">-----</span>|
|<span class="inviText">-----</span>|<span class="inviText">----</span>o-----o-----o<span class="inviText">----</span>|<span class="inviText">-----</span>|
|<span class="inviText">-----</span>|<span class="inviText">-----------</span>|<span class="inviText">-----------</span>|<span class="inviText">-----</span>|
|<span class="inviText">-----</span>o----------o----------o<span class="inviText">-----</span>|
|<span class="inviText">-----------------</span>|<span class="inviText">-----------------</span>|
o----------------o----------------o</div><p style="font-size:2em">⛁⛁⛁⛁⛀</p>
[[next...->nineMenMorris31]]<p style="font-size:2em; text-align:left">🥪</p><p style="font-size:2em">⛃⛃⛃⛃⛂</p><div id="nineMenMorris">o----------------o----------------o
|<span class="inviText">-----------------</span>|<span class="inviText">-----------------</span>|
|<span class="inviText">-----</span>o----------o----------o<span class="inviText">-----</span>|
|<span class="inviText">-----</span>|<span class="inviText">-----------</span>|<span class="inviText">-----------</span>|<span class="inviText">-----</span>|
|<span class="inviText">-----</span>|<span class="inviText">----</span>o-----o-----o<span class="inviText">----</span>|<span class="inviText">-----</span>|
|<span class="inviText">-----</span>|<span class="inviText">----</span>|<span class="inviText">-------------</span>|<span class="inviText">----</span>|<span class="inviText">-----</span>|
o----o----o<span class="inviText">------------</span>o----o----o
|<span class="inviText">-----</span>|<span class="inviText">----</span>|<span class="inviText">-------------</span>|<span class="inviText">----</span>|<span class="inviText">-----</span>|
|<span class="inviText">-----</span>|<span class="inviText">----</span>o-----o-----o<span class="inviText">----</span>|<span class="inviText">-----</span>|
|<span class="inviText">-----</span>|<span class="inviText">-----------</span>|<span class="inviText">-----------</span>|<span class="inviText">-----</span>|
|<span class="inviText">-----</span>o----------o----------o<span class="inviText">-----</span>|
|<span class="inviText">-----------------</span>|<span class="inviText">-----------------</span>|
o----------------o----------------o</div><p style="font-size:2em">⛁⛁⛁⛁⛀</p>
[[next...->nineMenMorris32]]<p style="font-size:2em; text-align:right">&#nbsp;</p><p style="font-size:2em">⛃⛃⛃⛃⛂</p><div id="nineMenMorris">o----------------o----------------o
|<span class="inviText">-----------------</span>|<span class="inviText">-----------------</span>|
|<span class="inviText">-----</span>o----------o----------o<span class="inviText">-----</span>|
|<span class="inviText">-----</span>|<span class="inviText">-----------</span>|<span class="inviText">-----------</span>|<span class="inviText">-----</span>|
|<span class="inviText">-----</span>|<span class="inviText">----</span>o-----o-----o<span class="inviText">----</span>|<span class="inviText">-----</span>|
|<span class="inviText">-----</span>|<span class="inviText">----</span>|<span class="inviText">-------------</span>|<span class="inviText">----</span>|<span class="inviText">-----</span>|
o----o----o<span class="inviText">------------</span>o----o----o
|<span class="inviText">-----</span>|<span class="inviText">----</span>|<span class="inviText">-------------</span>|<span class="inviText">----</span>|<span class="inviText">-----</span>|
|<span class="inviText">-----</span>|<span class="inviText">----</span>o-----o-----o<span class="inviText">----</span>|<span class="inviText">-----</span>|
|<span class="inviText">-----</span>|<span class="inviText">-----------</span>|<span class="inviText">-----------</span>|<span class="inviText">-----</span>|
|<span class="inviText">-----</span>o----------o----------o<span class="inviText">-----</span>|
|<span class="inviText">-----------------</span>|<span class="inviText">-----------------</span>|
o----------------o----------------o</div><p style="font-size:2em">⛁⛁⛁⛁⛀</p>
[[next...->nineMenMorris33]]<p style="font-size:2em; text-align:right">&#nbsp;</p><p style="font-size:2em">⛃⛃⛃⛃⛂</p><div id="nineMenMorris">o----------------o----------------o
|<span class="inviText">-----------------</span>|<span class="inviText">-----------------</span>|
|<span class="inviText">-----</span>o----------o----------o<span class="inviText">-----</span>|
|<span class="inviText">-----</span>|<span class="inviText">-----------</span>|<span class="inviText">-----------</span>|<span class="inviText">-----</span>|
|<span class="inviText">-----</span>|<span class="inviText">----</span>o-----o-----o<span class="inviText">----</span>|<span class="inviText">-----</span>|
|<span class="inviText">-----</span>|<span class="inviText">----</span>|<span class="inviText">-------------</span>|<span class="inviText">----</span>|<span class="inviText">-----</span>|
o----o----o<span class="inviText">------------</span>o----o----o
|<span class="inviText">-----</span>|<span class="inviText">----</span>|<span class="inviText">-------------</span>|<span class="inviText">----</span>|<span class="inviText">-----</span>|
|<span class="inviText">-----</span>|<span class="inviText">----</span>o-----o-----o<span class="inviText">----</span>|<span class="inviText">-----</span>|
|<span class="inviText">-----</span>|<span class="inviText">-----------</span>|<span class="inviText">-----------</span>|<span class="inviText">-----</span>|
|<span class="inviText">-----</span>o----------o----------o<span class="inviText">-----</span>|
|<span class="inviText">-----------------</span>|<span class="inviText">-----------------</span>|
o----------------o----------------o</div><p style="font-size:2em">⛁⛁⛁⛁⛀</p>
[[next...->nineMenMorris34]]Double-click this passage to edit it.{
<div class="whitePaper" style="text-align:justify">
<h4>Your URGENT gift needed</h2>
WINTER STORM EMERGENCY: Shelters in Syria, Lebanon and Jordan were destroyed by harsh winter storms leaving displaced families in the bitter cold. Will you make a generous lifesaving gift today?
Refugees fleeing from war often must leave in a moment’s notice with little or no belongings. You can send them warm blankets this winter.
Donate today and your gift will be matched by a generous donor.
Cart with blankets donated will leave on Februarius 27th from our site named "unrefugees" located in Org street.
[[go back...->billBoard]]
}<p style="color:darkgreen; background-color:#228B22; font-style:normal;">
1🕷../lI.w.🦋🍃/💦./.🍃.💧🐦..🐢I.🦋.🕸🦊🥕/l💦🕸...1.🦂🍂🍁⚘l..<span id="firstClover">[[🍀->cloverFind01]]</span>💧.🌿...🍂🍁☘\💧I🍁.|🍃.🌾🌧..🕷💦/🥕.🌾🌿.s.🌿🦂.🍁...🍃/.|.🐦..🌿🌱w💧..🐦/I💧⚘🐢.I⚘1.🦋\🦔..,.🍃🍃..☘🐜.🐞|.\/.🐍sl.🍂w.🐜.☘.☘.....🕷..☘🌧/.🕷..🍂wv.\🍃\.🦊💧🐝🍃🥀💧l...🌱..🕷🐦.🐌💧🐌🐦⚘..s🥀v..🥕.🥀🦎🦎.🌱🐦..🐿...\🥕.🐞🌱/🐇..🍃.\🦗🍀..🌿🍃🌿🍂,./,./...💧.,.v🐌...🌧🌿.🥀🕸🦊🍃.v..\.,🕸./🕸.|../💦..🐛|.🐛.🐿🐢.I🥕..🌱,|🍁I🌧./🍂...I🌱🌾\💧🌿...l🐢🐞v...🍂I💧|🦊🌱s...🦗.🌧.l🦂|.v..,🍂l🍃🐌🥀..,🦋🍂🐍🕷../...,.🌧1🥕💦,...🦂💧🕸\.🍃I..🐦.🍃...|v🍂w🌾.⚘🍂🌱🐇☘..🦋vp/💧..1💧l.w.🍃.,..💧..⚘..l..🦂🍂🍃..🍃v|💧.⚘☘🥀.🌾ll.🍁💧..⚘|..\I.🥕l1🍃🐞🦗🐌💦🦂I🌿🐝.🐌.🥕|\🦗🥀..🍂🌧w\.🌾🍁💧./...🐞w.☘,./.🦗,🦊1☘/🐌..\...🍃🥕🥀.l🥀.l🍂🌿🐌🐦.🍁.🐝.,/☘v..🥀..I/🥕.,🍂.🌾.🌿.|.🦗\..🥀🐜🐞🍃🦊🌱.🌱🦗.🥕🥀💧1.🐿🌱lIIp🌱.1🍃..🍃v,w🌾..vw🐦.🐿🐸🥀.🍁.w🐌🕸🍁🍂..🍂.☘🍁..🍀🌿🌿💧🐿🐜l🍂🍂🍂1..🐿⚘v.🥀💧🌧/🍀\⚘.pl🌾.wlw1🦎..🐢l./.🍃v1💧.☘/|./🐿I🌱1\.🦋..🍂..🌱.🐢.|.🍂I.🍁🍂.,.🦊.l🐌p\|🥕🥀⚘🍁.1l🐝.🌾🕸.....💦🍁\.🌾I🦂🕷🌾.🌱w1🐌🍂🍃1🍁.🌾.\.⚘.\..w💦,.🦋/l⚘🦗🍁🕸..🐢🐁...💧\./🥀w..w..🐜🐛l🌱🍃..☘..☘🥀🐦w\.🌱🐇1🐛.🐝🍃🍃🕷/.🦗..\.🍂🥕.\/🕸🥕
</p>good job!
(set: $cloverCount to $cloverCount - 1)
(if: $cloverCount > 0)
[[$cloverCount more...->cloverFind00]]
(if: $cloverCount is 0)
[[You find them all!->cgBook]] {
<div id="forrestMG">this game doesn't run on your browser.</div>
(set: $currentStep to (passage:)'s name)
displayGame(9, 16, 16, 25);
/* kid */
<div id="mazeControls">
<p style="text-align:center;">[[up->cantGo]]</p>
<p style="float:left;">[[left->maze02]]</p>
<p style="float:right;">[[right->cantGo]]</p>
<div style="clear: both;"></div>
<p style="text-align:center;">[[down->mazeMinus1]]</p>
<div id="forrestMG">this game doesn't run on your browser.</div>
(set: $currentStep to (passage:)'s name)
displayGame(8, 15, 16, 25);
/* kid */
<div id="mazeControls">
<p style="text-align:center;">[[up->cantGo]]</p>
<p style="float:left;">[[left->maze03]]</p>
<p style="float:right;">[[right->maze01]]</p>
<div style="clear: both;"></div>
<p style="text-align:center;">[[down->cantGo]]</p>
<div id="forrestMG">this game doesn't run on your browser.</div>
(set: $currentStep to (passage:)'s name)
displayGame(4, 11, 14, 23);
/* kid */
<div id="mazeControls">
<p style="text-align:center;">[[up->maze09]]</p>
<p style="float:left;">[[left->moaiHead]]</p>
<p style="float:right;">[[right->moaiHead]]</p>
<div style="clear: both;"></div>
<p style="text-align:center;">[[down->maze07]]</p>
<div id="forrestMG">this game doesn't run on your browser.</div>
(set: $currentStep to (passage:)'s name)
displayGame(4, 11, 15, 24);
/* kid */
<div id="mazeControls">
<p style="text-align:center;">[[up->maze08]]</p>
<p style="float:left;">[[left->cantGo]]</p>
<p style="float:right;">[[right->cantGo]]</p>
<div style="clear: both;"></div>
<p style="text-align:center;">[[down->maze06]]</p>
<div id="forrestMG">this game doesn't run on your browser.</div>
(set: $currentStep to (passage:)'s name)
displayGame(4, 11, 16, 25);
/* kid */
<div id="mazeControls">
<p style="text-align:center;">[[up->maze07]]</p>
<p style="float:left;">[[left->cantGo]]</p>
<p style="float:right;">[[right->maze05]]</p>
<div style="clear: both;"></div>
<p style="text-align:center;">[[down->cantGo]]</p>
<div id="forrestMG">this game doesn't run on your browser.</div>
(set: $currentStep to (passage:)'s name)
displayGame(6, 13, 16, 25);
/* kid */
<div id="mazeControls">
<p style="text-align:center;">[[up->cantGo]]</p>
<p style="float:left;">[[left->maze05]]</p>
<p style="float:right;">[[right->maze03]]</p>
<div style="clear: both;"></div>
<p style="text-align:center;">[[down->cantGo]]</p>
<div id="forrestMG">this game doesn't run on your browser.</div>
(set: $currentStep to (passage:)'s name)
displayGame(7, 14, 16, 25);
/* kid */
<div id="mazeControls">
<p style="text-align:center;">[[up->cantGo]]</p>
<p style="float:left;">[[left->maze04]]</p>
<p style="float:right;">[[right->maze02]]</p>
<div style="clear: both;"></div>
<p style="text-align:center;">[[down->cantGo]]</p>
<div id="forrestMG">this game doesn't run on your browser.</div>
(set: $currentStep to (passage:)'s name)
displayGame(5, 12, 16, 25);
/* kid */
<div id="mazeControls">
<p style="text-align:center;">[[up->cantGo]]</p>
<p style="float:left;">[[left->maze06]]</p>
<p style="float:right;">[[right->maze04]]</p>
<div style="clear: both;"></div>
<p style="text-align:center;">[[down->cantGo]]</p>
<div id="forrestMG">this game doesn't run on your browser.</div>
(set: $currentStep to (passage:)'s name)
displayGame(4, 11, 13, 22);
/* kid */
<div id="mazeControls">
<p style="text-align:center;">[[up->maze10]]</p>
<p style="float:left;">[[left->cantGo]]</p>
<p style="float:right;">[[right->cantGo]]</p>
<div style="clear: both;"></div>
<p style="text-align:center;">[[down->maze08]]</p>
<div id="forrestMG">this game doesn't run on your browser.</div>
(set: $currentStep to (passage:)'s name)
displayGame(10, 17, 10, 19);
/* kid */
<div id="mazeControls">
<p style="text-align:center;">[[up->maze19]]</p>
<p style="float:left;">[[left->cantGo]]</p>
<p style="float:right;">[[right->cantGo]]</p>
<div style="clear: both;"></div>
<p style="text-align:center;">[[down->maze17]]</p>
<div id="forrestMG">this game doesn't run on your browser.</div>
(set: $currentStep to (passage:)'s name)
displayGame(5, 12, 12, 21);
/* kid */
<div id="mazeControls">
<p style="text-align:center;">[[up->cantGo]]</p>
<p style="float:left;">[[left->maze10]]</p>
<p style="float:right;">[[right->maze12]]</p>
<div style="clear: both;"></div>
<p style="text-align:center;">[[down->cantGo]]</p>
<div id="forrestMG">this game doesn't run on your browser.</div>
(set: $currentStep to (passage:)'s name)
displayGame(4, 11, 12, 21);
/* kid */
<div id="mazeControls">
<p style="text-align:center;">[[up->cantGo]]</p>
<p style="float:left;">[[left->cantGo]]</p>
<p style="float:right;">[[right->maze11]]</p>
<div style="clear: both;"></div>
<p style="text-align:center;">[[down->maze09]]</p>
<div id="forrestMG">this game doesn't run on your browser.</div>
(set: $currentStep to (passage:)'s name)
displayGame(10, 17, 8, 17);
/* kid */
<div id="mazeControls">
<p style="text-align:center;">[[up->cantGo]]</p>
<p style="float:left;">[[left->maze21]]</p>
<p style="float:right;">[[right->wolfTracks]]</p>
<div style="clear: both;"></div>
<p style="text-align:center;">[[down->maze19]]</p>
<div id="forrestMG">this game doesn't run on your browser.</div>
(set: $currentStep to (passage:)'s name)
displayGame(6, 13, 12, 21);
/* kid */
<div id="mazeControls">
<p style="text-align:center;">[[up->cantGo]]</p>
<p style="float:left;">[[left->maze11]]</p>
<p style="float:right;">[[right->maze13]]</p>
<div style="clear: both;"></div>
<p style="text-align:center;">[[down->cantGo]]</p>
<div id="forrestMG">this game doesn't run on your browser.</div>
(set: $currentStep to (passage:)'s name)
displayGame(7, 14, 12, 21);
/* kid */
<div id="mazeControls">
<p style="text-align:center;">[[up->cantGo]]</p>
<p style="float:left;">[[left->maze12]]</p>
<p style="float:right;">[[right->maze14]]</p>
<div style="clear: both;"></div>
<p style="text-align:center;">[[down->cantGo]]</p>
<div id="forrestMG">this game doesn't run on your browser.</div>
(set: $currentStep to (passage:)'s name)
displayGame(8, 15, 12, 21);
/* kid */
<div id="mazeControls">
<p style="text-align:center;">[[up->cantGo]]</p>
<p style="float:left;">[[left->maze13]]</p>
<p style="float:right;">[[right->maze15]]</p>
<div style="clear: both;"></div>
<p style="text-align:center;">[[down->cantGo]]</p>
<div id="forrestMG">this game doesn't run on your browser.</div>
(set: $currentStep to (passage:)'s name)
displayGame(9, 16, 12, 21);
/* kid */
<div id="mazeControls">
<p style="text-align:center;">[[up->cantGo]]</p>
<p style="float:left;">[[left->maze14]]</p>
<p style="float:right;">[[right->maze16]]</p>
<div style="clear: both;"></div>
<p style="text-align:center;">[[down->cantGo]]</p>
<div id="forrestMG">this game doesn't run on your browser.</div>
(set: $currentStep to (passage:)'s name)
displayGame(10, 17, 12, 21);
/* kid */
<div id="mazeControls">
<p style="text-align:center;">[[up->maze17]]</p>
<p style="float:left;">[[left->maze15]]</p>
<p style="float:right;">[[right->cantGo]]</p>
<div style="clear: both;"></div>
<p style="text-align:center;">[[down->cantGo]]</p>
<div id="forrestMG">this game doesn't run on your browser.</div>
(set: $currentStep to (passage:)'s name)
displayGame(10, 17, 11, 20);
/* kid */
<div id="mazeControls">
<p style="text-align:center;">[[up->maze18]]</p>
<p style="float:left;">[[left->cantGo]]</p>
<p style="float:right;">[[right->cantGo]]</p>
<div style="clear: both;"></div>
<p style="text-align:center;">[[down->maze16]]</p>
<div id="forrestMG">this game doesn't run on your browser.</div>
(set: $currentStep to (passage:)'s name)
displayGame(8, 15, 8, 17);
/* kid */
<div id="mazeControls">
<p style="text-align:center;">[[up->cantGo]]</p>
<p style="float:left;">[[left->maze23]]</p>
<p style="float:right;">[[right->maze21]]</p>
<div style="clear: both;"></div>
<p style="text-align:center;">[[down->cantGo]]</p>
<div id="forrestMG">this game doesn't run on your browser.</div>
(set: $currentStep to (passage:)'s name)
displayGame(7, 14, 8, 17);
/* kid */
<div id="mazeControls">
<p style="text-align:center;">[[up->cantGo]]</p>
<p style="float:left;">[[left->maze24]]</p>
<p style="float:right;">[[right->maze22]]</p>
<div style="clear: both;"></div>
<p style="text-align:center;">[[down->cantGo]]</p>
<div id="forrestMG">this game doesn't run on your browser.</div>
(set: $currentStep to (passage:)'s name)
displayGame(6, 13, 8, 17);
/* kid */
<div id="mazeControls">
<p style="text-align:center;">[[up->cantGo]]</p>
<p style="float:left;">[[left->maze25]]</p>
<p style="float:right;">[[right->maze23]]</p>
<div style="clear: both;"></div>
<p style="text-align:center;">[[down->cantGo]]</p>
<div id="forrestMG">this game doesn't run on your browser.</div>
(set: $currentStep to (passage:)'s name)
displayGame(9, 16, 8, 17);
/* kid */
<div id="mazeControls">
<p style="text-align:center;">[[up->cantGo]]</p>
<p style="float:left;">[[left->maze22]]</p>
<p style="float:right;">[[right->maze20]]</p>
<div style="clear: both;"></div>
<p style="text-align:center;">[[down->cantGo]]</p>
<div id="forrestMG">this game doesn't run on your browser.</div>
(set: $currentStep to (passage:)'s name)
displayGame(4, 11, 7, 16);
/* kid */
<div id="mazeControls">
<p style="text-align:center;">[[up->maze28]]</p>
<p style="float:left;">[[left->cantGo]]</p>
<p style="float:right;">[[right->cantGo]]</p>
<div style="clear: both;"></div>
<p style="text-align:center;">[[down->maze26]]</p>
<div id="forrestMG">this game doesn't run on your browser.</div>
(set: $currentStep to (passage:)'s name)
displayGame(5, 12, 8, 17);
/* kid */
<div id="mazeControls">
<p style="text-align:center;">[[up->cantGo]]</p>
<p style="float:left;">[[left->maze26]]</p>
<p style="float:right;">[[right->maze24]]</p>
<div style="clear: both;"></div>
<p style="text-align:center;">[[down->cantGo]]</p>
<div id="forrestMG">this game doesn't run on your browser.</div>
(set: $currentStep to (passage:)'s name)
displayGame(4, 11, 8, 17);
/* kid */
<div id="mazeControls">
<p style="text-align:center;">[[up->maze27]]</p>
<p style="float:left;">[[left->cantGo]]</p>
<p style="float:right;">[[right->maze25]]</p>
<div style="clear: both;"></div>
<p style="text-align:center;">[[down->cantGo]]</p>
<div id="forrestMG">this game doesn't run on your browser.</div>
(set: $currentStep to (passage:)'s name)
displayGame(4, 11, 6, 15);
/* kid */
<div id="mazeControls">
<p style="text-align:center;">[[up->maze29]]</p>
<p style="float:left;">[[left->cantGo]]</p>
<p style="float:right;">[[right->cantGo]]</p>
<div style="clear: both;"></div>
<p style="text-align:center;">[[down->maze27]]</p>
<div id="forrestMG">this game doesn't run on your browser.</div>
(set: $currentStep to (passage:)'s name)
displayGame(0, 7, 4, 13);
/* kid */
<div id="mazeControls">
<p style="text-align:center;">[[up->cantGo]]</p>
<p style="float:left;">[[left->cantGo]]</p>
<p style="float:right;">[[right->maze33]]</p>
<div style="clear: both;"></div>
<p style="text-align:center;">[[down->maze35]]</p>
<div id="forrestMG">this game doesn't run on your browser.</div>
(set: $currentStep to (passage:)'s name)
displayGame(1, 8, 4, 13);
/* kid */
<div id="mazeControls">
<p style="text-align:center;">[[up->cantGo]]</p>
<p style="float:left;">[[left->maze34]]</p>
<p style="float:right;">[[right->maze32]]</p>
<div style="clear: both;"></div>
<p style="text-align:center;">[[down->cantGo]]</p>
<div id="forrestMG">this game doesn't run on your browser.</div>
(set: $currentStep to (passage:)'s name)
displayGame(0, 7, 8, 17);
/* kid */
<div id="mazeControls">
<p style="text-align:center;">[[up->maze37]]</p>
<p style="float:left;">[[left->cantGo]]</p>
<p style="float:right;">[[right->cantGo]]</p>
<div style="clear: both;"></div>
<p style="text-align:center;">[[down->maze39]]</p>
<div id="forrestMG">this game doesn't run on your browser.</div>
(set: $currentStep to (passage:)'s name)
displayGame(0, 7, 5, 14);
/* kid */
<div id="mazeControls">
<p style="text-align:center;">[[up->maze34]]</p>
<p style="float:left;">[[left->cantGo]]</p>
<p style="float:right;">[[right->cantGo]]</p>
<div style="clear: both;"></div>
<p style="text-align:center;">[[down->maze36]]</p>
<div id="forrestMG">this game doesn't run on your browser.</div>
(set: $currentStep to (passage:)'s name)
displayGame(0, 7, 6, 15);
/* kid */
<div id="mazeControls">
<p style="text-align:center;">[[up->maze35]]</p>
<p style="float:left;">[[left->cantGo]]</p>
<p style="float:right;">[[right->cantGo]]</p>
<div style="clear: both;"></div>
<p style="text-align:center;">[[down->maze37]]</p>
<div id="forrestMG">this game doesn't run on your browser.</div>
(set: $currentStep to (passage:)'s name)
displayGame(0, 7, 7, 16);
/* kid */
<div id="mazeControls">
<p style="text-align:center;">[[up->maze36]]</p>
<p style="float:left;">[[left->cantGo]]</p>
<p style="float:right;">[[right->cantGo]]</p>
<div style="clear: both;"></div>
<p style="text-align:center;">[[down->maze38]]</p>
<div id="forrestMG">this game doesn't run on your browser.</div>
(set: $currentStep to (passage:)'s name)
displayGame(4, 11, 5, 14);
/* kid */
<div id="mazeControls">
<p style="text-align:center;">[[up->maze30]]</p>
<p style="float:left;">[[left->cantGo]]</p>
<p style="float:right;">[[right->cantGo]]</p>
<div style="clear: both;"></div>
<p style="text-align:center;">[[down->maze28]]</p>
<div id="forrestMG">this game doesn't run on your browser.</div>
(set: $currentStep to (passage:)'s name)
displayGame(4, 11, 4, 13);
/* kid */
<div id="mazeControls">
<p style="text-align:center;">[[up->maze47]]</p>
<p style="float:left;">[[left->maze31]]</p>
<p style="float:right;">[[right->cantGo]]</p>
<div style="clear: both;"></div>
<p style="text-align:center;">[[down->maze29]]</p>
<div id="forrestMG">this game doesn't run on your browser.</div>
(set: $currentStep to (passage:)'s name)
displayGame(3, 10, 4, 13);
/* kid */
<div id="mazeControls">
<p style="text-align:center;">[[up->rockSign]]</p>
<p style="float:left;">[[left->maze32]]</p>
<p style="float:right;">[[right->maze30]]</p>
<div style="clear: both;"></div>
<p style="text-align:center;">[[down->cantGo]]</p>
<div id="forrestMG">this game doesn't run on your browser.</div>
(set: $currentStep to (passage:)'s name)
displayGame(2, 9, 4, 13);
/* kid */
<div id="mazeControls">
<p style="text-align:center;">[[up->cantGo]]</p>
<p style="float:left;">[[left->maze33]]</p>
<p style="float:right;">[[right->maze31]]</p>
<div style="clear: both;"></div>
<p style="text-align:center;">[[down->cantGo]]</p>
<div id="forrestMG">this game doesn't run on your browser.</div>
(set: $currentStep to (passage:)'s name)
displayGame(0, 7, 11, 20);
/* kid */
<div id="mazeControls">
<p style="text-align:center;">[[up->maze40]]</p>
<p style="float:left;">[[left->cantGo]]</p>
<p style="float:right;">[[right->cantGo]]</p>
<div style="clear: both;"></div>
<p style="text-align:center;">[[down->maze42]]</p>
<div id="forrestMG">this game doesn't run on your browser.</div>
(set: $currentStep to (passage:)'s name)
displayGame(0, 7, 10, 19);
/* kid */
<div id="mazeControls">
<p style="text-align:center;">[[up->maze39]]</p>
<p style="float:left;">[[left->cantGo]]</p>
<p style="float:right;">[[right->cantGo]]</p>
<div style="clear: both;"></div>
<p style="text-align:center;">[[down->maze41]]</p>
<div id="forrestMG">this game doesn't run on your browser.</div>
(set: $currentStep to (passage:)'s name)
displayGame(0, 7, 12, 21);
/* kid */
<div id="mazeControls">
<p style="text-align:center;">[[up->maze41]]</p>
<p style="float:left;">[[left->cantGo]]</p>
<p style="float:right;">[[right->cantGo]]</p>
<div style="clear: both;"></div>
<p style="text-align:center;">[[down->maze43]]</p>
<div id="forrestMG">this game doesn't run on your browser.</div>
(set: $currentStep to (passage:)'s name)
displayGame(0, 7, 14, 23);
/* kid */
<div id="mazeControls">
<p style="text-align:center;">[[up->maze43]]</p>
<p style="float:left;">[[left->cantGo]]</p>
<p style="float:right;">[[right->cantGo]]</p>
<div style="clear: both;"></div>
<p style="text-align:center;">[[down->maze45]]</p>
<div id="forrestMG">this game doesn't run on your browser.</div>
(set: $currentStep to (passage:)'s name)
displayGame(0, 7, 15, 24);
/* kid */
<div id="mazeControls">
<p style="text-align:center;">[[up->maze44]]</p>
<p style="float:left;">[[left->cantGo]]</p>
<p style="float:right;">[[right->cantGo]]</p>
<div style="clear: both;"></div>
<p style="text-align:center;">[[down->maze46]]</p>
<div id="forrestMG">this game doesn't run on your browser.</div>
(set: $currentStep to (passage:)'s name)
displayGame(0, 7, 9, 18);
/* kid */
<div id="mazeControls">
<p style="text-align:center;">[[up->maze38]]</p>
<p style="float:left;">[[left->cantGo]]</p>
<p style="float:right;">[[right->cantGo]]</p>
<div style="clear: both;"></div>
<p style="text-align:center;">[[down->maze40]]</p>
<div id="forrestMG">this game doesn't run on your browser.</div>
(set: $currentStep to (passage:)'s name)
displayGame(0, 7, 13, 22);
/* kid */
<div id="mazeControls">
<p style="text-align:center;">[[up->maze42]]</p>
<p style="float:left;">[[left->cantGo]]</p>
<p style="float:right;">[[right->cantGo]]</p>
<div style="clear: both;"></div>
<p style="text-align:center;">[[down->maze44]]</p>
}Double-click this passage to edit it.Double-click this passage to edit it.Double-click this passage to edit it.Double-click this passage to edit it.Double-click this passage to edit it.Double-click this passage to edit it.{
<div id="forrestMG">this game doesn't run on your browser.</div>
(set: $currentStep to (passage:)'s name)
displayGame(4, 11, 4, 13);
/* kid */
<div id="mazeControls">
<p style="text-align:center;">[[up->maze47]]</p>
<p style="float:left;">[[left->maze31]]</p>
<p style="float:right;">[[right->cantGo]]</p>
<div style="clear: both;"></div>
<p style="text-align:center;">[[down->maze29]]</p>
}Double-click this passage to edit it.Double-click this passage to edit it.Double-click this passage to edit it.Double-click this passage to edit it.Double-click this passage to edit it.Double-click this passage to edit it.Double-click this passage to edit it.Double-click this passage to edit it.Double-click this passage to edit it.Double-click this passage to edit it.Double-click this passage to edit it.Double-click this passage to edit it.Double-click this passage to edit it.Double-click this passage to edit it.Double-click this passage to edit it.Double-click this passage to edit it.Double-click this passage to edit it.Double-click this passage to edit it.Double-click this passage to edit it.Double-click this passage to edit it.Double-click this passage to edit it.Double-click this passage to edit it.Double-click this passage to edit it.Double-click this passage to edit it.Double-click this passage to edit it.Double-click this passage to edit it.Double-click this passage to edit it.Double-click this passage to edit it.Double-click this passage to edit it.{
<div id="forrestMG">this game doesn't run on your browser.</div>
(set: $currentStep to (passage:)'s name)
displayGame(0, 7, 16, 25);
/* kid */
<div id="mazeControls">
<p style="text-align:center;">[[up->maze45]]</p>
<p style="float:left;">[[left->cantGo]]</p>
<p style="float:right;">[[right->treeNote01]]</p>
<div style="clear: both;"></div>
<p style="text-align:center;">[[down->campingTent01]]</p>
}Double-click this passage to edit it.{
<p>[[Find the mushroom...->maze01]]</p>
<p>go back...</p>
(set: $currentStep to "")
var a = [["🌲", "🌄", "🌲", "🌳", "🌲", "🌲", "🌲", "🌲", "🌲", "🌲", "🐦", "🌲", "🌳", "🌲", "🌲", "🌲", "🌲", "🌲", "🌲", "🌲","🌧️"],
["🌲", "🌲", "🌳", "🌳", "🦌", "🦌", "🌲", "🌲", "🌲", "🌳", "🌲", "🌲", "🌲", "🌳", "🌲", "🦊", "🌲", "🌳", "🌳", "🌲","🌲"],
["🌲", "🌳", "🌲", "🌳", "🌲", "🌲", "🌳", "🌲", "🌲", "🌲", "🌳", "🌲", "🌳", "🦉", "🌲", "🌳", "🌲", "🌲", "🌳", "🌲","🌲"],
["🌳", "🌲", "🌲", "🌲", "🌲", "🌲", "🌲", "🌳", "🌲", "🌲", "🌲", "🌳", "🌲", "🌲", "🌲", "🌳", "🌲", "🌲", "🌲", "🌲","🌲"],
["🌲", "🌳", "🔭", "░", "░", "░", "░", "░", "░", "░", "░", "░", "░", "░", "░", "░", "░", "░", "🌲", "🌲","🌳"],
["🌲", "🌲", "🌲", "🌲", "🌲", "🌲", "🌳", "░", "🌲", "🌲", "🌲", "░", "🌲", "🌲", "🌳", "🌲", "🌲", "░", "🌲", "🦡","🌲"],
["🌲", "🌲", "🌲", "🦔", "🌳", "🌲", "🌲", "░", "🌳", "🌳", "🌲", "░", "🌲", "🌳", "🌲", "🌲", "🌲", "░", "🌲", "🌳","🌲"],
["🌳", "🌲", "🌲", "🌳", "🌲", "🌲", "⇦", "░", "🌲", "🌲", "🌲", "░", "🌳", "🌲", "⛩️", "🌳", "🌲", "░", "🌲", "🌳","🌲"],
["🌲", "🌲", "🌲", "░", "░", "░", "░", "░", "🌲", "🌲", "🌲", "░", "░", "░", "🌲", "🌳", "🌳", "░", "🌲", "🌲","🌲"],
["🌲", "🌲", "🌲", "░", "🌳", "🌲", "🌳", "░", "🌲", "🌳", "🌲", "🌲", "🌲", "🌲", "🌲", "🌲", "🐌", "░", "🌳", "🌲","🌲"],
["🌲", "🌳", "🌲", "░", "🌲", "🌳", "🌲", "░", "🌲", "🐍", "🌳", "🌲", "🌳", "🌳", "🌲", "🌳", "🌲", "░", "🌲", "🦀",""],
["🌲", "🦉", "🌳", "░", "🌲", "🦌", "🌲", "░", "🌳", "🌲", "🌲", "🌲", "🌳", "🌲", "🌳", "🌲", "🌲", "░", "🌲", "🌲","🌳"],
["🌲", "🌲", "🌲", "░", "🌲", "🌲", "🌲", "░", "░", "░", "░", "░", "░", "░", "🐾", "🌳", "🌲", "░", "🌲", "🌲","🌲"],
["🌲", "🌳", "🌲", "░", "🌳", "🌲", "🌳", "🌲", "🌲", "🌲", "🌲", "🌲", "🌲", "░", "🌲", "🌲", "🌳", "░", "🌲", "🌳","🌲"],
["🌲", "🌲", "🌲", "░", "🌲", "🌳", "🌲", "🌲", "🌲", "🌳", "🕷", "🕸", "🌲", "░", "🌲", "🐇", "🌲", "░", "🌲", "🌲","🦇"],
["🌳", "🌲", "🌲", "░", "🌲", "🌲", "🌲", "🌲", "🌲", "🌲", "🌲", "🌳", "🌲", "░", "🌲", "🌲", "🌳", "░", "🌳", "🌲","🌳"],
["🐰", "🌲", "🌲", "░", "🌲", "🌲", "🌲", "░", "░", "░", "░", "░", "░", "░", "🌲", "🌲", "🌲", "░", "🌲", "🌲","🌲"],
["🌲", "🌲", "🌳", "░", "🌲", "🌳", "🌳", "░", "🌳", "🌲", "🌲", "🌲", "🌲", "🌳", "🌲", "🌲", "🌲", "░", "🌲", "🌲","🌲"],
["🌲", "🌳", "🌲", "░", "🌲", "🌳", "🗿", "░", "🗿", "🌲", "🌳", "🌳", "🌲", "🌲", "🦔", "🌲", "🌲", "░", "🌳", "🌳","🌲"],
["🌲", "🌲", "🌲", "░", "🌲", "🌲", "🌲", "░", "🌲", "🌲", "🌲", "🌲", "🌲", "🌲", "🌳", "🌳", "🌲", "░", "░", "░","🌲"],
["🌳", "🌲", "🌲", "░", "📜", "🌲", "🌲", "░", "░", "░", "░", "░", "░", "🌲", "🌲", "🌲", "🌲", "░", "🍄", "░","🌲"],
["🌲", "🌲", "🔥", "⛺", "⛳", "🌲", "🌲", "🌲", "🌲", "🌳", "🌲", "🌲", "░", "🌲", "🌲", "🌲", "🌲", "░", "░", "░","🌲"],
["🌲", "🌲", "🌲", "🌲", "🌲", "🌳", "🛶", "", "", "", "🌲", "🌲", "░", "🌲", "🌲", "🌲", "🌳", "🌲", "🌲", "🌲","🌳"],
["🌲", "🌲", "🌲", "🌲", "🌲", "🌲", "🌲", "", "🦆", "", "🌳", "🌲", "░", "🌲", "🌳", "🌲", "🐺", "🌲", "🌳", "🌲","🌲"],
["🌲", "🌲", "💀", "🌳", "🌳", "🌳", "🌲", "🦆", "🌲", "🌲", "🌲", "🧙", "░", "🌲", "🌲", "🌳", "🌲", "🌲", "🌲", "🐦","🌲"]];
function displayGame(startI, endI, startJ, endJ) {
var i, j;
for (i = startJ; i < endJ; i++) {
for (j = startI; j < endI; j++) {
$("#forrestMG").append("<td id = \"a" + i + "_" + j + "\">" + a[i][j] + "</td>");
function extraCSS() {
/* extra */
$("#a14_11").css("color", "white");
/* flipped */
$("#a20_8, #a20_9, #a20_10, #a20_11").addClass("rotate90");
$("#a16_8, #a16_9, #a16_10, #a16_11, #a16_12").addClass("rotate90");
$("#a12_8, #a12_9, #a12_10, #a12_11, #a12_12").addClass("rotate90");
$("#a8_4, #a8_5, #a8_6").addClass("rotate90");
$("#a4_3, #a4_4, #a4_5, #a4_6, #a4_7, #a4_8, #a4_9, #a4_10, #a4_11, #a4_12, #a4_13, #a4_14, #a4_15, #a4_16").addClass("rotate90");
$("#a19_18, #a21_18").addClass("rotate90");
/* water */
$("#a22_6, #a22_7, #a22_8, #a22_9, #a23_7, #a23_8, #a23_9, #a10_20").addClass("water");
$("#a22_6").addClass("waterTopLeft waterBotLeft");
$("#a10_20").addClass("waterTopLeft waterBotLeft waterTopRight waterBotRight");
$("#a22_7, #a22_8").addClass("waterTop");
}Double-click this passage to edit it.Double-click this passage to edit it.Double-click this passage to edit it.{
<div class="whitePaper" style="text-align:justify">
<p>Maxim and Nikolay are brothers suffering with the Blistering Skin Disease. That means double the bandages, double the ointments, double the special nutritional milk, and double the doctor visits! Please help this family by making a donation.
<p>How can you help?</p>
DONATE NOW at our site named "nobabyblisters" located in Org street to help Brothers Maxim and Nikolay receive the medical attention they so desperately deserve!
Where will your donation go? They will go to helping provide life-saving medical attention, clean advanced bandages, remedies, and special nutrition formulas for both brothers.
No Baby Blisters is a recognized charity. All donations are tax-deductible, by order of the king.
[[go back...->billBoard]]
<div class="storyWarriors">
<h4>Have you've had your red potion today?</h4>
[[go back...->billBoard]]
<div class="whitePaper" style="text-align:justify">
<h4>Read immediately!</h4>
We've been trying to reach you concerning your vehicle's extended warranty. You should've received a notice in the mail about your cart and mule's extended warranty eligibility. Since we've not gotten a response, we're giving you a final courtesy message before we close out your file. To speak to someone about possibly extending or reinstating your vehicle's warranty, come to our shop in Deli street to speak with a warranty specialist.
[[go back...->billBoard]]
<p>You made your mind to follow the advice not to wander off the trail.</p>
<p>(link-goto: "resume... ", $currentStep)</p>
<p>Yes, the old hermit is waiting for you at the beginning of the path. Take your time, he's old and he can wait for days. For some reason, he's not in a hurry. </p>
<p>(link-goto: "resume... ", $currentStep)</p>
<div id="forrestMG">this game doesn't run on your browser.</div>
(set: $currentStep to (passage:)'s name)
displayGame(9, 16, 16, 25);
/* kid */
<div id="mazeControls">
<p style="text-align:center;">[[up->maze01]]</p>
<p style="float:left;">[[left->cantGo]]</p>
<p style="float:right;">[[right->cantGo]]</p>
<div style="clear: both;"></div>
<p style="text-align:center;">[[down->mazeMinus2]]</p>
<div id="forrestMG">this game doesn't run on your browser.</div>
(set: $currentStep to (passage:)'s name)
displayGame(9, 16, 16, 25);
/* kid */
<div id="mazeControls">
<p style="text-align:center;">[[up->mazeMinus1]]</p>
<p style="float:left;">[[left->cantGo]]</p>
<p style="float:right;">[[right->cantGo]]</p>
<div style="clear: both;"></div>
<p style="text-align:center;">[[down->mazeMinus3]]</p>
<div id="forrestMG">this game doesn't run on your browser.</div>
(set: $currentStep to (passage:)'s name)
displayGame(9, 16, 16, 25);
/* kid */
<div id="mazeControls">
<p style="text-align:center;">[[up->mazeMinus2]]</p>
<p style="float:left;">[[left->cantGo]]</p>
<p style="float:right;">[[right->cantGo]]</p>
<div style="clear: both;"></div>
<p style="text-align:center;">[[down->mazeMinus4]]</p>
<div id="forrestMG">this game doesn't run on your browser.</div>
(set: $currentStep to (passage:)'s name)
displayGame(9, 16, 16, 25);
/* kid */
<div id="mazeControls">
<p style="text-align:center;">[[up->mazeMinus3]]</p>
<p style="float:left;">[[left->mageWaiting]]</p>
<p style="float:right;">[[right->cantGo]]</p>
<div style="clear: both;"></div>
<p style="text-align:center;">[[down->cantLeave]]</p>
<p>You can't leave, you promised the old hermit that you'll help him.</p>
<p>(link-goto: "resume... ", $currentStep)</p>
<p>The head statues look like they are guarding the path. You see nothing out of ordinary at the rock. You make a step forward with your heart small: nothing happens. The stone statues are still there and their hollow eyes have not moved.</p>
<p>(link-goto: "resume... ", $currentStep)</p>
<div id="forrestMG">this game doesn't run on your browser.</div>
(set: $currentStep to (passage:)'s name)
displayGame(10, 17, 9, 18);
/* kid */
<div id="mazeControls">
<p style="text-align:center;">[[up->maze20]]</p>
<p style="float:left;">[[left->cantGo]]</p>
<p style="float:right;">[[right->cantGo]]</p>
<div style="clear: both;"></div>
<p style="text-align:center;">[[down->maze18]]</p>
<p>The tracks lead somewhere in the forest. They look like of a big dog. Maybe wolf? They are surely wolf, this is a forest. Let's stay away...</p>
<p>(link-goto: "resume... ", $currentStep)</p>
<p>There's a big stone that someone used as a reference point. It's all cleaned up of lichens and vines and there's a an arrow scratched on it's face. Hunter camp? Hidden cabin? A shortcut to the city?</p>
<p>(link-goto: "resume... ", $currentStep)</p>
<p>There's a note nailed to a tree.</p>
<p>[[it reads...->treeNote02]]</p>
<p>(link-goto: "turn away... ", $currentStep)</p>
<p>You find a big green tent. There's nobody around and the fire looks like it's about to put. Somebody must've been putting a lot of logs on it to keep it going as long as possible.</p>
<p>What should you do?</p>
<p>[[enter the tent...->campingTent02]]</p>
<p>[[turn away and forget about it...->maze46]]</p>
<div class="storyRogues boardNote">
<h2>dear John</h2>
I'm sick of this "off-grid" thing of yours. I don't even know where you come up with this ridiculous name. All we do is living in a tent. My teeth are chattering of cold everyday, I wash myself in a bowl, cold water of course, and I ate berries and potato stew for the last 2 months. I would eat even frog legs right now, just something else... I'm a sensitive soul, I just can't simply live like this anymore. I'm tired of how many times I told you I'm leaving but you never listen. I'm going back to stay at moms.
P.S. I left you some cold stew for when you come back from hunting. Cold. Everything is cold. I just can't take it anymore.
<div class="storyWarriors boardNote">
<h4>Feb 2nd</h4>
my wife doesn't suspect anything. all I need is to find the old paths that leads to it and we will be out of here in no time.
Today I've been south east of camp; just trees. Tomorrow I'll try the lake if it's not raining.
<p>[[next page...->tentDiary02]]</p>
<div class="storyWarriors boardNote">
<h4>Feb 3rd</h4>
Today I've been on the lake with my kayak. There's some nice fish and ducks there, but who has time? We'll eat potato stew again tonight. Must press on to find the path.
It has to be somewhere! Where can it be?
<p>[[next page...->tentDiary03]]</p>
<div class="storyWarriors boardNote">
<h4>Feb 6th</h4>
tomorrow I won't be coming home, hope my wife won't be losing her mind again. Won't be needing stew, I saw some wild blackberries last time. They will do for the whole second day. I must find the shrine.
Where is it already?
<p>You shove with the hand one side of the door canopy; your senses were right: there's nobody in. Not a person, not a dog, nothing. You stop and listen careful: no voices in distance. You are all alone and this gives you a feeling of easiness. So you step in.
You see 2 sleeping bags made of sheep wool. A candle latern. A cold stew in a brow metal pot. And a pair of black boots.
<p>What should you do?</p>
<p>[[exit the tent...->maze46]]</p>
<p>[[inspect the sleeping bags->sleepingBag01]]</p>
<p>[[inspect the candle latern->noInterest]]</p>
<p>[[inspect the cold stew->noInterest]]</p>
<p>[[inspect the black boots->noInterest]]</p>
<p>There's something in the bigger sleeping bag. It's a book... no, it's a dairy. </p>
<p>What should you do?</p>
<p>[[read it...->areYouSure]]</p>
<p>[[see if the sleeping bag is warm and comfy->sleepingBag02]]</p>
<p>You have no interest in the object. You ponder what help can it possible have on your trip, but can't find none. </p>
<p>[[what should I do now?->campingTent02]]</p>
<p>It is comfy indeed. And it's very warm. The wool sure smeels nice, it probably has been washed with herbs. You push yourself completely in and lay still for a moment.
<p>There's enough light inside, though evening is coming fast. No need to lit the latern. Are you sure you want to open it?</p>
<p>[[maybe not...->sleepingBag01]]</p>
You keep thinking to the diary. You didn't want to open it at first. It feels like it was a magical book that might put you to sleep forever...
[[poor guys...->sleepingBag04]]
You feel in tune with the universe right here in the middle of the nature. You're really tired and your eyes are closing without wanting it. Can't even remember the day's terrible events - they are a long forgotten dream.
Fire is only peaceful embers now. The full moon is slowly raising above the forest. An owl begins to call for someone in the dark forest. You fall asleep and forget who you are and what you did in your life like you never existed...
<p>Dew drops start to run down on top of the tent.<p>
<p>Is it morning yet? It is! You feel so rested and good and jump out the bag!</p>
<p>There's nobody in the tent. Not a sound, not a squeak. The couple must've been deserted the camp site yesterday, just before you reached it. You wish you meet them, but then again, maybe it's better like that. Hope they are alright...
<p>[[Let's go!->campingTent01]]</p>
<p>This must be the center of the room. You feel a thick carpet under your feet.</p>
<p>You are facing West.</p>
<li>''Left'': I can't see anything.</li>
<li>''Ahead'': I can't see anything.</li>
<li>''Right'': I can't see anything.</li>
<li>''Behind'': I can't see anything.</li>
<table id="breakHouse">
<td id="cellTopLeft">
<td id="cellTopCenter">
<td id="cellTopRight" class="flippedH">
<td id="cellMidLeft">
<td id="cellMidCenter" style="border-left: 5px solid DarkRed">
<td id="cellMidRight">
<td id="cellBotLeft" class="flippedH">
<td id="cellBotCenter">
<td id="cellBotRight">
<p>Where should we step?</p>
}Double-click this passage to edit it.Double-click this passage to edit it.Double-click this passage to edit it.Double-click this passage to edit it.Double-click this passage to edit it.Double-click this passage to edit it.Double-click this passage to edit it.Double-click this passage to edit it.Double-click this passage to edit it.Double-click this passage to edit it.Double-click this passage to edit it.Double-click this passage to edit it.Double-click this passage to edit it.Double-click this passage to edit it.Double-click this passage to edit it.Double-click this passage to edit it.Double-click this passage to edit it.Double-click this passage to edit it.Double-click this passage to edit it.{
<h2> thank you Andrew that was it. you can close it now</h2>
<p>We're in!</p>
<p>This entrance small room must be the kitchen as well, as you can feel the warmth of the wood stove nearby.</p>
<p>It's so dark, I can't see anything. Your heart races like a war chariot and you get tunnel vision because of this.</p>
<li>''Left'': I can't see anything.</li>
<li>''Ahead'': I can't see anything.</li>
<li>''Right'': I can't see anything.</li>
<li>''Behind'': you reach with your hands at your back: there's the entrance door, the one that you came in.</li>
<table id="breakHouse">
<td id="cellTopLeft">
<td id="cellTopCenter">
<td id="cellTopRight" class="flippedH">
<td id="cellMidLeft">
<td id="cellMidCenter">
<td id="cellMidRight">
<td id="cellBotLeft" class="flippedH">
<td id="cellBotCenter" style="border-top: 5px solid DarkRed">
<td id="cellBotRight">
<p>Where should we make a step?</p>
You take the pick locks out of your pocket and look left and right for one more time. Then, as fast as a zephir, you crouch and stuck your lockpick in the brass rich ornated keyhole.
(if: $coastClear is true)
(if: $coastClear is false)
[<p>[[Wait! Someone's coming...->someoneComing00]]</p>]
<p>What should we do now?</p>
<p>[[peep through the key hole...->peepKeyHole00]]</p>
<p>[[try to picklock the door...->breakHouse02]]</p>
<p>[[look again left and right...->lookLeftRight]]</p>
<p>[[forget about it and go home...->breakHouse00]]</p>
(if: $pickLocked is true)
[<p>[[forget about it and go home...->kitchen2North]]</p>]
<p>Start picklocking...</p>
<p>That didn't sound right.</p>
<p>[[Let's try again...->pickLock00]]</p>
<p>That sounded good.</p>
<p>That sounded right.</p>
<p>Right... right... </p>
<p>Good click.</p>
<p>Right... right... left...</p>
<p>Good... good...</p>
<p>Right... right... left... left...</p>
<p>Right... right... left... left... right...</p>
<p>Good again.</p>
<p>Right... right... left... left... right... left...</p>
<p>Another one nailed!</p>
<p>Right... right... left... left... right... left... right...</p>
<p>Good sound.</p>
<p>Right... right... left... left... right... left... right... right...</p>
<p>That clicked just right.</p>
<p>Right... right... left... left... right... left... right... right... right...</p>
<p>We're getting there...</p>
<p>Right... right... left... left... right... left... right... right... right... left...</p>
<p>Right... right... left... left... right... left... right... right... right... left... right...</p>
<p>Right... right... left... left... right... left...right... right... right... left... right... left... </p>
<p>[[That's it!->pickLock26]]</p>
}<p>[[That was it.->pickLock27]]</p><p>[[I can't believe it.->pickLock28]]</p><p>[[It worked!->pickLock29]]</p>{
(set: $pickLocked to true)
<p>[[enter the door...->kitchen2North]]</p>
<p>[[take a big breath...->breakHouse01]]</p>
<p>You look left and then you look right fast, over the shoulder. There's nobody.</p>
<p>You kneel with abrupt movements on one knee and hold both palms on the sides of the keyhole. Naturally you close in your dominant eye, the right one, and take a peep.</p>
<p>Oh, it's too dark to see anything.</p>
<p>[[get up...->peepKeyHole01]]</p>
<p>You look left and then you look right fast, over the shoulder.</p>
<p>The coast is clear.</p>
(set: $coastClear to true)
<p>Your heart is pounding hard. Are you sure you want to this?</p>
<p>You hear fast and heavy footsteps on the stone pavement.</p>
<p>Someone's coming. Fast! You stand up and try to look casual.</p>
<p>[[oh no...->someoneComing01]]</p>
(set: $coastClear to false)
(set: $pickLocked to false)
You're in front of the house right now. You look at the door insistently; then left and right, in the dark street: there's no one. The entrance door looks sturdy and stiff. For sure it's locked. However, you try your luck. You act like you are a late visitor, mimic coughing silently in your hands, then knocking but without touching the door. Then, slowly, you pull down the doorknob. Your hunch was right, it is locked.
[[go back to the inn...->breakHouse00]]
<p>It's a geandarm!</p>
<p>How should we react?</p>
<p>[[Good evening, officer...->someoneComing02]]</p>
<p>[[say nothing...->someoneComing02]]</p>
<p>[[run away!->someoneComing16]]</p>
<p>The geandarm stops right next to you.</p>
<p>- (friendly) Good evening to you, citizen! Is there anything I can help you with?</p>
<p>[[not really...->someoneComing03]]</p>
<p>[[why, yes, I'm lost...->someoneComing11]]</p>
<p>- Really? Who are you looking for?</p>
<p>[[uncle Joe...->someoneComing05]]</p>
<p>- Ah... Uncle Joe. You're right, this is his house, indeed. Did you saw him or were you about to enter?</p>
<p>[[I just came out...->someoneComing08]]</p>
<p>[[I'm about to enter...->someoneComing09]]</p>
<p>- Interesting! What are you doing here then?</p>
<p>[[I was just taking a walk...->someoneComing06]]</p>
<p>- Even more curious! Where are you heading to?</p>
<p>- I wish I could've come with you to show you the way, but I must patrol the streets. And I will be tempted to get a mug of beer, ha ha ha!</p>
<p>[[Heh heh...->someoneComing20]]</p>
<p>- How is he feeling?</p>
<p>[[not good...->someoneComing22]]</p>
<p>- Going to a visit? At this hour?</p>
<p>[[Yeah, I got here late...->someoneComing25]]</p>
<p>[[Well, he's not answering, so I'll go home...->someoneComing11]]</p>
<p>- I know a place where you can go. Come on, I'll take to it.</p>
<p>[[what? where?...->someoneComing12]]</p>
<p>[[I just want go home...->someoneComing11]]</p>
<p>- Where's your home?</p>
<p>[[I stay at the inn...->someoneComing17]]</p>
<p>- To the jail, of course. You are prowling about, so it's better for all of us if you will spend your night there. And our boss will know what to do with you in the morning. Salt mine? Stone pit? Grain treadmill? Or maybe road construction... Yeah.</p>
<p>[[Wait! I have some money...->someoneComing13]]</p>
<p>[[Wait! Let's start over...->someoneComing14]]</p>
<p>- (looking over the shoulders) Ah... I see. I can look the other way, but make yourself scarce as fast as possible. Don't let me catch you again, understood? Come on, show me what you got. I'll take everything. I could use a mug of beer and a pretzel since the night is so long.</p>
<p>[[give him some coins...->someoneComing15]]</p>
<p>Huh? Okay... (sighs) Tell me the truth. You better tell me the truth this time.</p>
<p>[[Yes, sir...->someoneComing03]]</p>
<p>The geandarms take all your coins in his big sweaty palm and he tosses them in one of his pants pockets. He quickly puts some distance between him and you, as a precaution, but then slows down and looks at you demanding.</p>
<p>You turn your back to him and leave in a hurry; after a corner, you stop and hide and watch him disappear in the dark.</p>
<p>He won't come back. Now that he has some money to spend at the inn he won't try to come back and catch you again. It's not worth the scandal, who knows, maybe you'll tell on him you bribed him. However, carefully, you decide to go around the block, scout the area.</p>
<p>Not a soul. No more footsteps on the stone pavement.</p>
<p>[[go back to Joe's house...->breakHouse01]]</p>
<p>You snap like a fish and run!</p>
<p>- Ah, I see. New in town, huh? (sighs) Yeah, new people get lost easily. Well, in that case, go that way (pointing with the hand). Keep going until you'll see a nice square garden with small wooden fence, that has a tree in it, right in the center of the crossway. Take a right there and keep going ahead; the road will fork a couple of times, but don't worry, just keep that direction. You'll be able to hear the noise or see the lights coming from the inn.</p>
<p>- Don't mention it, kid. But please go now. I don't like you prowling around here, in the streets, like a thief.</p>
<p>[[will do!->someoneComing19]]</p>
<p>You turn your back to him and leave in a hurry; after a corner, you stop and hide and watch him disappear in the dark.</p>
<p>Carefully, you decide to go around the block, scouting the area.</p>
<p>Not a soul. No more footsteps on the stone pavement.</p>
<p>[[go back to Joe's house...->breakHouse01]]</p>
<p>- Well, good luck, boy!</p>
<p>[[thank you, sir...->someoneComing18]]</p>
<p>- Poor old Joe is dead sick. He looks he's about to kick off. He's definitely not well! You know what? I get this feeling that you are lying.</p>
<p>[[but I'm telling the truth!->someoneComing23]]</p>
<p>[[sorry, I meant to say something else...->someoneComing14]]</p>
<p>- Yeah, poor old Joe is dead sick. He looks like he's about to kick off. So... where are you heading now?</p>
<p>[[I'm going to sit here for awhile...->someoneComing24]]</p>
<p>- What are you talking about? It was just about yesterday when I heard his wife in the market talking about how hard it is on her... You know what? I think you should come with me.</p>
<p>[[What? Where?->someoneComing12]]</p>
<p>- I see. You're friends with Joe and it's hard on you. You just want to gather your thoughts. I know a better place for you to do that: the Hammer and Sickle Inn. I'm sorry, but I want you to go now, I can't let you stay lurking here in the streets, like a prowler, okay?</p>
<p>- I believe it's already past his bedtime. And he's sick, too. Is he expecting you? Or is any of the house expecting you, like his wife or his maid?</p>
<p>[[Not really...->someoneComing27]]</p>
<p>- You don't sound too convinced. Here, let me help you. I'll knock for you.</p>
<p>[[knock! knock!->someoneComing28]]</p>
<p>- I'm pretty sure the whole house at sleep now. You might want to try again in the morning. How come did you got this late?</p>
<p>[[I was busy with the work home until now...->someoneComing11]]</p>
<p>[[Oh, I don't know, it jus happened...->someoneComing32]]</p>
}<p>[[knock! knock!->someoneComing29]]</p><p>[[knock! knock!->someoneComing30]]</p><p>[[knock! knock!->someoneComing31]]</p>{
<p>- Hmm... Nobody answers. They are all asleep. So they can't confirm that they know you. And their absence tells me that they weren't expecing you.</p>
<p>[[lets keep knocking...->someoneComing28]]</p>
<p>[[Okay, okay... let's start over.->someoneComing14]]</p>
<p>[[I'll go home...->someoneComing10]]</p>
<p>- I't just happened, huh?</p>
<p>[[Okay, I'll tell you the truth...->someoneComing14]]</p>
<p>Wait... your sight adjusted to darkness and some countours fade out, taking shape: there's a maid sleeping in a bed, under heavy blankets. The stove throws time to time yellow light beams on her cheeks. It's a small room, must be the entrance room, also used by the housemaid as her room at night and as well as the kitchen, since the stove.</p>
<p>[[get up...->breakHouse01]]</p>
}Double-click this passage to edit it.Double-click this passage to edit it.Double-click this passage to edit it.Double-click this passage to edit it.{
<p>After a moment of hesitation, he starts running after you!</p>
<p>My God, he's so fast!</p>
<p>You gotta run fast! Just! Run!</p>
<p>- (yelling) Stop! This is the Geandarmerie!</p>
<p>No way we're going to stop now!</p>
<p>He's so fast, he's fit!</p>
<p>He's closing in!</p>
<p>(breathing loudly)</p>
<p>Or maybe not!</p>
<p>I can hear his boots pounding the stone pavement at a slower rhytm.</p>
<p>He's not that fit after all. </p>
<p>He slowed down and stopped, catching his breath.</p>
<p>- (yelling in a the distance) I'm going to catch you, thief!</p>
<p>But not today, you say to yourself.</p>
<p>You slow down your pace and observe the surroundings. There's a hay pile in one corner; a cart full with cabbages and a very shallow space between two houses.</p>
<p>Where you want to hide?</p>
<p>[[in the hay pile->hayPile]]</p>
<p>[[after the cart full with cabbages->cabbageCart]]</p>
<p>[[squeeze in the shallow space->shallowSpace]]</p>
<p>Good idea! The hay pile. He can look around as much he wants, circling the pile, he won't see you.</p>
<p>Hope he won't get the idea of stabbing the hay pile with the pitch fork.</p>
<p>You want to pee all the sudden and really bad.</p>
<p>[[oh, keep quiet!->someoneComing49]]</p>
<p>Good idea! The cabage cart. Easy to hide behind it and it also gives you the option to run away on the other side if he comes close.</p>
<p>You can even keep your head up, it blends in with the cabbages.</p>
<p>You want to pee all the sudden and really bad.</p>
<p>[[oh, keep quiet!->someoneComing49]]</p>
<p>Good idea! The shallow space. You are fit and skinny while he is thick and has a little bit of belly.</p>
<p>Even if he spots you he won't be able to come in after you. Hope he doesn't have a bow or something...</p>
<p>You want to pee all the sudden and really bad.</p>
<p>[[oh, keep quiet!->someoneComing49]]</p>
<p>Someone's coming stomping his heavy boots on the stone pavement...</p>
<p>[[keep quiet...->someoneComing50]]</p>
<p>You hear the geandarm mumbling within his clenched teeth, passing by as a war carriage...</p>
<p>"That's reson freson thief, when I'm gonna get my hand on him, I'll skin him alive..."</p>
<p>[[keep quiet...->someoneComing51]]</p>
<p>He's going away, disappearing in the night.</p>
<p>You wait a couple of moments more; no sound of him.</p>
<p>[[Phew! That was a close one.->breakHouse00]]</p>